Chapter 4

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Kamaria had never quite had a best friend. It wasn't something she had much control over though. The other kids had childish fears of the darkness and the girl who could control it.

Kamaria knew that her darkness wasn't created for evil but for a break from the light to allow for peace, but the other kids didn't know that. Kamaria found beauty in the darkness, it was to be admired not feared.

Ki was the first one to see through the darkness; to notice its beauty and want to get to know it. He quickly became the best friend she had never had.

Olympus seemed a new place in the light full of changing colors and new wonders. In the darkness, she could notice the changes and differences, but the light isn't her world.

It's his - and he shared it with her. The smile that crossed her face and the light blush on her cheeks were genuine. Her reflection in the mirror reflected herself again.

She bounded down the stairs eagerly.  She was ready to learn more about the parts of Olympus she had ignored for so long and see what other secrets Ki had.

"Good morning, Kamaria"

Kamaria had almost lost her balance from how fast Sethos had appeared in front of her. Her hand flew to her chest in response as if it's going to steady her heartbeat. His dark eyes grazed her body. She tried not to look disgusted at the grin the was on his face when he finally met her gaze.

"Seth, You've startled me"

His lips curl into a smile as he grabbed her hand from its place on her chest and kissed it. holding it tightly between them.

"Apologies, my dear, I was hoping we could take a walk together this morning" he released her hand and offered his elbow to her instead.

Kamaria looked towards the open doors leading to the gardens. She had a responsibility that outweighed what she wanted to do with her best friend. She accepted Seth's elbow with a sigh and a smile.

"I know you prefer darkness, but it is a beautiful day outside, some fresh air would do us some good."

"You're absolutely right" Although Kamaria wholeheartedly disagreed. She didn't prefer darkness, she created it. It was a part of her that she had preferred once, yes, but that was before Ki. He had shown her the beauty of the light. Something she may never had found on her own.

The light blue sky seemed endless as they stepped through the threshold and into the cool Olympus air. The birds flew happily in the air and the rabbits bounded through the green grass. She inhaled slowly allowing the fresh air to fill her lungs and a smile to cross her face. Out here, with the light around her, She didn't have to force a smile, it was brought out naturally. 

Ki has made Olympus extra beautiful today  Kamaria almost said the thought out loud,  but remembered at the last second who was holding her arm. Her smile dropped slightly, she wanted to be Ki right now, not Sethos.

Kamaria stopped so suddenly that Seth nearly fell backwards.

Careful what you wish for

Ki stood a few feet away, feeling as though a knife was in his back. Kamaria had not told him about another God, yet there she stood arm in arm with a handsome stranger, looking Happy.

"Hello there - can we help you?" Sethos called over to Ki - the words pulling Kamaria's attention back to wherever her thoughts had taken her.

"That is the God of Light, Kiron, I believe" she did her best to sound indifferent so Sethos would not become suspicious. As it was, she nearly fainted when she had seen him and her heart beat like a drum against her chest.

Ki made no movements, said no words. He just stared at Kamaria, her emerald green eyes looking up at the stranger instead of him made his stomach ache and his heart falter.

Why hadn't she told me about him?  He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she smiled to the stranger she was walking with.

Before he could compose himself Kamaria stood in front of him, ready to make introductions. Did he really want to be introduced to this stranger who was with Kamaria?

"Good Morning Kiron. Please let me introduce you to Sethos, God of Chaos." Ki's eyes stayed on their intertwined arms a second longer before he forced a smile and offered a hand to Sethos.

"Nice to meet you Sethos" he said with a small bow of his head.

"Beautiful day you have created, Kiron" Sethos sounded very polite, but Ki's first instinct was to hate him. He knew that was immature, but who was he to have Kamaria look at him so?

Kamaria had to maintain her indifference, but inside she was at war with herself. Every part of her longed to pull her arm away from Sethos and leave with Ki. To disappear into the gardens and never look back, leaving Sethos as a distant memory that she would never again be plagued by.

"You must come to the masquerade ball tonight, Kiron" Kamaria was not sure why Sethos had invited him or if she even wanted Ki there. It was a ball in her honor to announce her engagement to Sethos, She wasn't even sure she wanted to be there. The idea of having Ki know she was engaged had her heart feel as though it would shatter with the slightest movement.  

She Could not bring herself to meet Ki's gaze, but she felt his eyes on her face. Her cheeks began to fill with color and she hoped neither of them would notice.

"I would be glad to. Thank you." He had only accepted the invitation because Kamaria would be there. Any excuse to see her again would be worth it - Right?

"Fantastic. Now if you will excuse us, we don't want to interrupt your work any longer" Ki, unsure of what he should say, smiled and nodded his head in a slight bow. With one last glance at Kamaria, he walked away.

Kamaria stared at Ki's back for a moment before pushing him to the back of her mind to deal with later. She smiled at Sethos as they continued their walk through the gardens, and she noticed that Olympus didn't seem nearly as vibrant as before.

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