Chapter 7

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Kamaria could not enjoy the ball. Her thoughts constantly drifting out to the gardens. She cursed under her breath with a sigh and slowly made her way towards the open doors that led to the gardens.

She knew that if Sethos were to find out he would be furious. But no matter what she told herself, Ki deserved an explanation and a proper goodbye.

The night air was crisp against Kamaria's skin. Light flickered off the path eating away at the darkness she had created. Anyone else might be scared but not her, never her. Night, and the darkness it brings, is a piece of her soul that she shares with Olympus.

She extended the lantern out into the hidden darkness looking for any sign of Ki.

He saw her first and his heart leapt at the sight. Her skin, illuminated by the lantern and her green eyes vibrant against her mask. Her beauty radiated off her and he would swear she glowed softly in the darkness.

"You're beautiful" the words like a whisper on the breeze surrounding Kamaria.

She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she turned to where the whisper came from. Her breath caught in her throat at how close he was.

Their eyes sparkled in fire glow and for an instant, their hearts forget how to beat.

"Ki" his name  rolled off her lips like a sigh. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, wanting to hold her there for as long as possible.

The feeling of Kamaria in his arms was enough to drive him wild. His heart beat against his chest, and he willed her to feel it. He wanted her to feel his heart, to know what she did to him. It was her that made his light grow. She may be Goddess of Darkness but she was the reason there was light.

Kamaria didn't want to let this moment go either. She wanted to live in it as long as she could. His heart beat kept rhythm with hers, but her happiness quickly turned to sadness. She knew this moment couldn't last forever and she knew if she didn't push him away now, she might not have the strength to do it later. 

She released her grip on him and looked up at him from under her lashes. A small smile plays on his lips and his honey eyes dance with the flickering flame. Kamaria's heart leapt at the sight but She had to push away now. She had to break off their friendship.

Before she could even get a word out, Ki's smile widened. He had a secret playing in his mind and he couldn't wait to share it with her "I have something for you - blow out your lantern."  Kamaria gave him a puzzled look.

The darkness will not frighten her, but the God of light is another story.  Besides, should she be worried about being alone, in the dark with him?

As if he knows what she was thinking, he winked at her, before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. His heart kicked into overdrive at the feel of her skin on his lips, but he can't let it show.

Kamaria raised the Lantern, and softly blew out the flame. Her eyes holding Ki's until the flickering light disappears.

Darkness surrounded them. Kamaria couldn't  see a hand in front of her face if she tried. In instinct, she reached for Ki but he was no longer standing where he had been.

"Ki?" She searched with her hands looking for him, spinning in a circle. A sense of freight building within her.

"I made you a gift" her head snapped toward the voice. She still couldn't see his face, but she could see a glow from between his fingers.

He gently handed her what was in his hands "I've made this to remind you of me. A little light in your world of darkness."Kamaria stares at her hands but Ki stares at her. He is memorizing her face in this moment; the anticipation and excitement in her eyes, the curve of her smile on her lips.

Kamaria opens her hands. A small stone sits on her  palms illuminated with light. It's beautiful. Ki places his hands under hers. They admire the glowing stone together, frozen for a moment in this peace.

A sly grin crossed his face as he applied force to Kamaria's hands sending the stone into the air. She stared into the darkness at him in disbelief. Why had he given her something so beautiful, only to throw it in the air?

His fingers gently cup her chin. Both their cheeks flushed at the feeling. For a moment he held her there, only the small glow from the stone in the air, lighting their faces. Slowly, he moved her head to watch the stones path.

It is flying higher than any stone Kamaria had ever seen, soaring towards the sky, illuminating a trail in its wake. She jumps when It explodes, sending thousands of pieces into the sky. Where they stay stationary where they landed.

Ki intertwines their fingers and pulled her closer to him - their chests lightly touching, his lips softly brushing her ear. Can he feel her blush? Can she feel his heartbeat pick up?

"I call them stars. I've made one for every second that I have thought of you since we've met."
His lips touch her cheek softly and for an instant everything is still.

He pulled away and their eyes met. Neither one can move. The twinkle of the stars in Kamaria's eyes overwhelmed him. He fought the urge to wrap her in his arms, to feel her lips on his. Instead e grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her forehead to his lips whispering against Kamaria's skin, "You have my heart" before turning and leaving the gardens.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. She turned her eyes to the night sky and smiled at the dozens of stars that now flicker in her night sky.

It's a beautiful combination, light and dark.

A small smile overtook Kamaria's lips, as Ki's stars gleam in her eyes.

She felt it rush around her like a strong wind - sweeping her off her feet and pulling her away from all she had ever known.

She would never feel anything towards Sethos - Kamaria was in love with the God of Light.

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