Chapter 15

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For years, Ki and Kamaria could do nothing but stare at each other as they shared the sky for brief moments. The light from their eyes slowly extinguishing everyday, but it wasn't that they were dying, death would be too kind and Sethos was anything but.

It was their hope that was diminishing. Ki had tried with all his might to break out of his prison, but the walls were to strong. Kamaria didn't have the strength to try anymore. Every ounce of her being was tired and without her hope, all she had was the pain Ki's absence left her with.

How many years had passed before Kamaria noticed the lives being lived on the new world, she didn't know. But once she noticed them, she couldn't stop watching them.

They were so free, so reckless. Kamaria couldn't help but feel the jealousy of what they had versus the prison she was in. It wasn't a hatred jealousy, but rather a longing kind. She longed for their freedom and careless abandon.

But mostly she longed for the life that Ki had painted for her when they had decided to run away to this new world she watched. One look to her true love frustrating himself as he tried to escape again, left her feeling waves of guilt.

Had she known from the first time she met Ki that he was meant for her, they could have run away sooner. They could have had the life he described, the one she wanted. They could have escape Sethos and their fate and instead be living happily among the mortals that she was so fascinated with.

But she didn't know until it was too late and that is something that she will never forgive herself for. Ki had given her stars and his love and she returned it with confusion and a sense of duty to her betrothed.

She was a fool and she could see the mortals starting to make the same choices that she had made.

They took for granted love and settled for the feeling of lust. Lust always lead them down a destructive path, but without fail, almost all the mortals fell into the trap.  and it broke her heart every time she watched another love story end in flames.

Her gaze flew to Ki, who had stopped fighting his prison long enough to notice the tears flowing down her features.

Had she known, she wouldn't have taken one second for granted. 

Had she known.

The idea struck her like lightning and she had to work to steady her breathing to recover from it.

In all the rush to trap them in their prisons, Sethos had never taken their magic. His curse was to strong, so maybe he knew it would be no use to them to escape. Nevertheless, they still had it and Kamaria could not be more grateful for that at this moment.

She began her work immediately. It had been too long since she used her magic, but soon it flowed from her like she had never stopped.

It wasn't an easy task though. Kamaria suffered many failed attempts and frustrations before she was finally able to accomplish what she set out to do.

She had successfully created a soul and to her own astonishment she had successfully torn it in half. She sent them to the new world to find each other in mortal bodies and watched from her prison as the experiment played out in front of her.

Just as she hoped, when they found each other, they instantly knew. They could feel the sparks that were created from being in contact and the mortals knew that they were two half's of a whole soul.

What made her most happy was that the 'soulmates', as she referred to them, loved. They didn't give into any stray lust, because they only lusted after their other half.

There was, however, a catch. The souls that were created from the magic of her darkness and born in the moon had created a mortal that wasn't entirely human.

They looked human, but they had magic of their own. They had speed and agility. They could talk to each other through their minds, see and hear better than any human on the new world. But mostly, they could change into wolves.

Kamaria wasn't sure why it had been a wolf, but she loved it. They were beautiful and she was as proud as any mother would be of their child. What made her even more happy, was when they began to talk of the Moon Goddess that created them and gave them their 'Mates'.

She hadn't expected them to know of her. But somehow they did and she was beyond happy with that. Something began to bloom within her. Something that she hadn't felt in so long, she couldn't even remember it's name, but she relished in the feeling.

Many more years had passed, and her population of wolves had grown on the new world. She still made headway when, for the first time, a human was able to hold half the soul. The other half had to be a wolf for it to work, but the love that was created was just as strong.

Hope  - that was the feeling that bloomed within her. She was feeling hope that one day her and Ki would escape their prisons and be together again. For she had created something stronger than the natural order. She created soulmates - true love.

For the first time in forever, Kamaria felt happy and the determination to escape her prison over took her entire being.

Ki was her Soulmate and she would never stop trying to get back into his arms.


Authors Note

I hope everyone who read this story enjoyed it and Thank you for reading!!

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