Chapter 13

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Kamaria winces in pain. Her wrist feels like a twig in Seth's grip. One wrong twist and it will snap.

"Please, where are you taking me?" Kamaria's voice pleaded for him to release her.

He didn't acknowledge that she had spoke. His grip tightened as he dragged her along through the dark gardens. What used to be her comfort had become a place of fear. What did the dark shadows have in store for her?

She searched the darkness, wishing that someone would see them and help her. But the only light was from Sethos' lantern. No one could help her

Tears flood her vision as her body trembled in fear. She tried desperately to keep in step
with him but he was walking to fast. When Kamaria stumbles, he didn't stop, he just dragged her to her feet.

"Seth please"

"My name is Sethos" his eyes flashed with so much anger, Kamaria would swear she saw actual flames.

Kamaria tried to talk, to beg him to let her go but she couldn't find her voice. She mouthed please over and over again as tears flooded down her face. But he wasn't looking at her, his eyes steeled forward to a shadowed figure that appeared in the distance.

Kamaria's face turned to horror when she saw Ki standing a few feet away. But he wasn't standing, something was holding him up. Forcing him to stand in place.

Sethos forcefully  pulled Kamaria  in front of him, causing her to fall to the cold ground in between him and Ki.

Her whole body was shaking. For the first time, Kamaria was actually terrified. Sethos looked like a monster.

"Do you not like my gift?" His voice a low growl as he gestured towards Ki.

Her heart pounded in her chest, as Kamaria dared look to Ki.

Ki felt relief when Kamaria met his gaze. He could feel his soul calm and all fear disappear, Sethos hadn't hurt her. Tears streaked her face but no amount of force would weaken whatever had a hold on him.

Suddenly he felt the pain of a million knifes leaving cuts along his body, leaving a burning sensation behind. His eyes hold hers for a split second before the pain took over his body, causing his eyes to close and muscles to spasm. Pained groans escaped his lips.

Kamaria closed her eyes unable to look at her love in so much pain for a moment longer.

"Pl- please" she was barely able to get the word out between her sobs.

Sethos just glared at her. His expression showing no emotion.

Kamaria looked at Ki again. His breathing had shallowed and his eyes were still closed. She knew falling in love with him would cause her trouble, but she hadn't known any of this was even a possibility.

She had assumed that Sethos would be angry yes, but cause them pain? She had sorely misjudged him. Tinges of regret plague her body as she looks into the dark eyes of the monster.

But they hadn't done it on purpose. And given the choice she would meet and fall in love with him all over again. Besides, shouldn't he be mad at the fates for creating this path?

It doesn't matter who he blames. I have to save him, no matter the cost  - She thinks well steeling herself and her emotions for what's to come.

Kamaria wipes the tears from her cheeks and stands facing Sethos. She took a cautious step forward. When he didn't react, she stepped so they were inches apart.

"I'm sorry Sethos. I got swept away in his charm - But I see clearly. Please, I'm begging you - forgive me." She raises her hand and presses it against his cheek, letting her fingers softly stroke his hair.

His dark eyes hold hers, his expression unreadable. Kamaria searched his eyes for any emotion - anything to let her know she is making headway, but all there was - was darkness and not the kind that Kamaria found comfort in.

Something unrecognizable flashed across his face - Ki cried out in more pain. Kamaria fought against her instinct to turn around, but did he see her hesitation?

Something thuds on the ground behind her, but she held Sethos' gaze. Her fingers played idly in his hair. Did he see her flinch? Her heart pounded in her chest like a drum.

Sethos grabbed her wrist "can you live without him?" His voice low, sent a scared shiver up Kamaria's spine.

Her heart pounds in my chest, and  she is sure he was close enough to feel it.

She takes a deep breath and pulls all her strength to her voice. To convince him, she needed to convince herself.

"Yes" the word like a thousand knives in Kamaria's heart, but her voice was strong. Her resolve absolute.

If it would save Ki, then she would live without him. She would leave the gardens with Sethos and never look back. As much as it would hurt, she would leave Ki as just a pleasant dream, before the nightmare begun.

"Good. Allow me to finish giving you, my gift" something in his voice, in his words, crumbled Kamaria's facade. She dropped her hand from Sethos' face and looked to Ki.

He is floating above the ground, his teeth gritted in pain. She tried to run toward him -  when has Sethos wrap his arms around her waist?

Kamaria thrashed against him, desperately trying to get to Ki. But he is floating higher in the air. Flames over take his body, pouring out of his skin like sweat.

A horrid scream fills the air. Was it from Ki's lips or hers, she wasn't sure.

When he is completely out if anyone's reach, Sethos released her. She wants to run, jump, fly anything to get to Ki, but she is frozen to where Sethos set her.

How long has it been since she took a breath? Her chest burns like she is on fire. All she can focus on is the screams and the sight of Ki floating higher and higher into the sky.

The flames consume him, growing larger and She can feel the heat, even from the distance. She can no longer even see Ki in the flames, it has become just a ball of fire. The only noise that filled the air are Kamaria's horrid screams and her sobs.

"I'll ask you again, do you not like my gift?" The venom in his voice turns her blood cold.

She glared at Sethos through her tear stained face. She was shocked to see his dark eyes had a flame of excitement dancing behind them.

"I call it Sun - and I have trapped his soul in it for you. To always remind you of him. A little light in your world of Darkness" an evil grin crossed his face.

Kamaria recognized those words. That is exactly what Ki had told her when he gave her his stars. She wanted to be angry, wanted to be anything, but she was numb.

She tried to look up to the sky where the circle of flames sits but it is to bright, it hurts her eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead, Kamaria collapsed to the cold ground and allowed her tears to overtake her.

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