Chapter 8

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Kamaria's every thought is of Ki.

Even standing  with her arm linked with Sethos, all she could think of is what it would feel like if it were Ki beside her. The warmth of his arms as they lapped around her waist. The feel of beating heart against hers as he pulled her tight into a hug. A smile tugs at her lips and for a few blissful moments she had forgotten where she was.

"I knew you would he happy with me" Sethos raspy voice pulls her out of the trance with a snap.

She dipped her head like what he said embarrassed her, but really she feared he would see through any fake smile.

Kamaria could feel his dark eyes on her face but she refused to meet his gaze, especially with the constant thoughts of Ki swarming around her head.

Sethos cleared his throat "You're mother and I have decided that we shall marry in a week" her mouth dropped at his words.

Kamaria's chest felt tight, the air around her thickened and she struggled to keep her breaths even. Her beloved Olympus seems to dull in color as tiny black spots began to cloud her vision.

"So soon?" Her voice didn't sound right to her, but she hoped that Sethos wouldn't notice. 

Sethos stopped suddenly and turned to face her . He cupped his hand against her cheek. His dark eyes stared intently into hers. He smiled at the light blush that over came Kamaria's cheeks but she was just flustered about the sudden development of her wedding.

His touch felt  like needles on her skin, getting more uncomfortable and painful as the seconds ticked by. She wanted so badly to pull away but she had to be rational. She had to steel herself, for that was the first touch of many to come from her husband. A look Kamaria had never seen before flashed across Sethos' face, as he examined his soon to be bride from head to toe. She shuddered slightly in response, fearful that he might kiss her. What would she do if he did?

"The sooner I can make you my wife, the sooner I will have an heir." Well that was romantic. Just what a Goddess longs to hear. 

She couldn't think of anything to say, so she smiles. Inside, she cried desperately for help.

Her heart would not slow down, she felt like she might faint. Every sense was overwhelming her - even the palace walls seemed to be enclosing in on them like a tomb.

Seems fitting that my home would become my tomb. She tried to shake the thought from her head. But somehow the words were all to true and continued to ring inside her mind.

The walls continued to close around her and she struggled to hold her panic inside. She needed to get outside, She needs fresh air and the openness of the endless light blue sky.

Sethos had sent her mind into chaos. That was his domain, what was I expecting?

She tried to focus on just breathing, but was very aware of Sethos' hand on her waist as he hugged her close to him.

Sethos noticed nothing wrong, for all her emotions were on the inside, and she wore a steel mask on the outside.

Sethos had begun to stroke her arm, but she didn't feel it. She could hear his voice but his words made no sense. Olympus dulled a little more as he brushed a loose hair behind her ear.

"I can see the wedding preparations have already started turning in your head" his fingers linger on her cheek, making small circles and she tried not to flinch away.

"Yes, sorry"  she forced a small laugh but still wouldn't meet his gaze "There is so much to do - and a week is no time at all"

"Well my dear, go and make your plans. I will see you at dinner" he kissed her hand and walked off toward the library.

She watched as he walked away, waiting until she could no longer see him. When he was out of view, she ran toward the light of the gardens. Fresh air will help clear her thoughts, it always had lately.

Kamaria scanned the gardens trying to decide which path she should take.

They all lead to the pond near the end of grounds, but which one would lead to Ki?

A light flashed across her face from the path to her left. It is as good a sign as any to get her away from Sethos and that palace.

Her foot steps echoed in the silence of the gardens. Her thoughts fueling her tears until all of Olympus was a blur. Her knees gave out from under her and she collapsed to the cold ground. Her heart beat uncontrollably as she fought to catch her breath thru her sobs. Every thought, every emotion she felt like a knife to her skin, she just wanted the world to be silent.

She could hear the footsteps coming closer but she didn't dare look around her afraid Sethos had decided to come look for her.

"Kamaria?" Concern laced the familiar voice that approached her and her stomach did a flip at the sound. Her eyes immediately caught Ki's gaze as he kneeled down in front of her. They sat there silently before he pulled her into his strong arms.

Everything seemed right in the world when Kamaria was in his arms. The faint smell of lavender enveloped him and sent his heart into a beating frenzy. She was the only one who could make him feel so giddy and dizzy at the same time, but he didn't mind. He gently stroked her hair as she clung to the front of his shirt. He knew something was wrong, but didn't want to break this moment yet.

Kamaria inhaled Ki's musky scent one last time before breaking the little bubble of safety they had created. He tried to meet her gaze again but she stared at the ground, fiddling with her dress.

"A week" her voice was a hoarse from the sobs and she was fearful she would begin crying again. Ki grabbed her chin gently and forced her to meet his gaze, his eyes full of questions that he couldn't quite vocalize.

"Sethos and I will be married in a week" Her voice broke and tears slowly move down her cheeks, but Ki is quick to wipe them away. He stares into her eyes and an emotion Kamaria didn't know flashed his face for a second before his lips press against her forehead.

He grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet "Come with me" his voice pleaded with her as he intertwined their fingers. Warmth spread through out Kamaria but she made no motion to follow him, it was her turn to stare questioningly at him.

"Trust me" a breathtaking smile crossed his face as he placed his palm against her cheek. Her breath caught in her throat as she took a step towards Ki.

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