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Some people I wanna thank:

The Buttercream Squad- The biggest bunch of idiots I have ever stanned (and I'm a 5SOS stan, which says a lot). But I mean it in the most endearing way possible. You guys helped me get through my first year of college with a smile on my face, and for that I'm forever grateful. I love you guys.

Amelie- For being a kickass protagonist. You've done well. Now, go live your fairytale ending.

Dannyy- For helping me develop the plot to this story, as well as helping me out with some small details. And also thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about Jack Maynard for hours on end. You're the real mvp.

You- The reader, for sticking with me through this journey. I would be nowhere, and honestly might not have even finished it without reading all of your lovely comments. So thank you, thank you, thank you.

Jack Maynard- You're quite the angel, dear sir. Without you, there would be no story, so all I can really say is thank you. Thank you for being you, thank you for making me laugh when I feel down and am stressed out with school. Just a big thank you.

I'm sad to say the time has officially come where we bid goodbye to the characters in this story (unless I do some one shots here, which I definitely might, because, if I'm honest, I'm not completely ready to say goodbye). My first story on this account is officially over!

But don't worry, I'll definitely have some other stories up soon, like my Conor fanfic, Miracle, which is now up! If you'd like, be sure to hit the follow button on my account so you'll be notified whenever I upload something new.

And, if you'd like to check those out as well, I do have some other accounts on here centered around different things and people:

Celebrities (5SOS, One Direction, Shawn Mendes, etc.): withcvnfidence

Books (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc.): JustAnIllusion

Teen Fiction (non fan fiction): ToTheEdge

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