Chapter 14

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"Hi there," a soft voice said as soon as I opened my eyes, and I turned my head to see Jack watching me intently, a soft smile on his lips.

"Morning," I said, stretching out a little bit.

"Sleep okay?" he asked, and I nodded.

"I did," I said, "You?"

He nodded. "I woke up this morning, and found you next to me." he said. "Thought for a moment I'd just been having a really long nightmare. You'd been in an accident and didn't remember me. Waking up not hungover to see you here, I thought maybe that'd just been all a dream. Until I looked around the room to see that all of your stuff's still gone."

"Oh," I said, "yeah. That was all real."

"And you starting to remember a few things, was that all real too?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Last night I remembered our first date, I don't know how much you remember of that." I said, and he nodded, remembering the events taking place in the middle of the night. "And yesterday I remembered how to take care of a hungover you out of habit."

"I'm so happy," he said, smiling bigger.

"Jack?" I asked then.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I hope you don't get mad," I started, "and I didn't mean to, but last night I was looking for the library because I couldn't sleep, and accidentally went into, erm... Josh's office instead." His eyes widened and he tensed up next to me. "Why is there a bunch of baby stuff in there?"

"Its, erm, it's nothing," Jack said nervously. "See what happened was, Conor used to date this girl Nicole. They'd been together a little while, and she ended up getting pregnant. That was her nursery. Unfortunately, she'd had a miscarriage before they got to meet their little girl. It led to her and Conor breaking up, and we haven't seen her since then. We just haven't taken the nursery down. I'm sorry I lied and said it was Josh's office, I just didn't want to bring up the baby situation around Conor."

"Oh," I said softly then, finally sitting up and checking my phone, seeing a text from Joe. "On another note, Joe's just picked Caspar up from the airport, and they're going to come and get me on their way back."

According to Joe, Caspar had been in the US for the past couple of months to promote for some new movie, so I hadn't gotten the chance to meet him yet, aside from what little I'd seen of him in my dream memories. But now he was finally back, and I would get the chance to see another part of my life that I had almost no recollection of.

I quickly got dressed, bidding goodbye to the boys as Joe honked his horn. When I came outside, I noticed Caspar's tall frame as he got out of the car, coming over towards me and giving me a tight hug.

"Hi there," I said while being held tightly against him, "you must be Caspar."

"That's me," he said, finally pulling back to look at me. "Sorry. It's just really, really good to see you, Amelie."

"Good to see you too," I told him, hopping into the backseat of Joe's car as we headed to Caspar's place.

I spent the car ride recounting the events of the past couple of days that I'd been with Jack, including the new things I'd remembered but leaving out the bit about finding Conor's daughter's nursery.

How awful that must've been, for him to lose a child. I could only imagine what Jack and I must've gone through, losing a niece, much less what Conor and Nicole had gone through losing a child.

"Here we are," Joe said as the car pulled up next to Caspar's flat, and I got out, following the boys up the walk and into the building.

I took a seat on the couch, turning to Caspar when Joe left the room to go use the bathroom.

"So tell me about us," I told Caspar.

"I like to think I'm the reasonable one," Caspar said with a smirk. "Besides Oli, I'm the one you usually go to for advice on things that you don't want to go to Joe about. For example, I'm the first one you told when you first slept with Jack. I've been friends with you for a few years now, and I'm the one who put the idea in your head that maybe you liked Jack a little bit as more than a friend, even if back then you didn't want to admit it."

"Oh," I said, nodding.

"And I consider you to be one of my best friends." he continued on, "Hearing about your accident had been a really difficult time for me. If I was able to, I would've hopped on the first flight back to London as soon as I'd heard, but I wasn't. Mikey gave me updates on you every day as soon as they were given them. And I was going to talk to you on the phone the day you woke up, but I decided against it when I learned you had no clue who I was."

"I appreciate all that you've done for me. " I told him honestly. "And I hope that one day we'll be as close as we once were. Truth be told, I have remembered a few things from the past few years, but it's not a lot. I'm not completely convinced that my memories are coming back, I actually tried to shut Jack out because of how skeptical I've been. But no matter what, I want to find back what we once had, because a friend like you is something that I could really use at this time."

"And you've got me here, one hundred percent."

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