Chapter 7

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The rest of the day had been so much fun. After leaving the park we walked to Nando's, where they really did, in fact, know us by name. Jack had re-introduced me to the workers, and we had a lovely meal. The bookstore was absolutely amazing, and extremely familiar feeling. It had definitely been a good place for me to start spending time in. After that we went back to Jack's and I met Oli. He was a very nice bloke, and I could tell that I had been good friends with him before everything had happened. Then, Conor had ordered us a pizza, and we watched a movie until it was getting late and Jack had to drive me home.

But all good things had to come to an end. I knew Jack was getting fed up with me not knowing anything, and was getting tired of it, so he didn't have to pretend to be nice anymore. I could move on, and we could get back to our normal lives. Or, well, what used to be my normal life.

"Thanks again for today," I told Jack as he parked the car outside the flat, and I reached to unbuckle my seatbelt before going to open the door. "I had a lot of fun."

"I did too," he said, "I'll have to think of something even better for next time."

"Yeah, about that," I said, pausing. "Jack... you don't have to do this. You don't have to pretend to be nice, and you don't have to help me. We can just go back to how things were before... us. It's probably better that way."

"You don't get it, do you?" he asked, shaking his head. "Amelie, I know this is a lot for you to process. But no matter what it takes, I will get you to fall in love with me again."

"You really do love me," I breathed softly, and he nodded.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time," he said. "This isn't a game to me. You're not a game to me. I'm completely head over heels for you, and you used to be the same for me. I know that's still in there somewhere, I know the 2017 you is in there somewhere, and I intend to get her back. I will get you back, memories and all. So please, just please, will you let me see you again?"

"Okay," I said. "Yes. I'll see you again."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Jack said as I got out of the car, and I nodded, smiling as he drove off.

Joe was in the living room watching TV and editing on his computer when I came in the door, and I bid him a quick hello before heading downstairs to do more YouTube research. I had watched some of Conor's videos, as well as Josh's, to learn more about them, but now it was time to do some video research on Oli. However, a video on my YouTube recommended page caught my eye.

Jack Maynard and Amelie Phillips Cute/Funny Moments!

I clicked on the link to the video then, and it opened onto what I noticed as a SnapChat video. It was the two of us with the filter on it that turns us into dog, and we were both giggling.

"Why does this make everything look so much better?" Jack in the video asked, and me sitting next to him giggled again, sticking my tongue out so the dog tongue would appear again.

"Because it's cute," I said then.

"You're cute," he said, turning his face and kissing me on the cheek. 

The scene cut then to a different one, one that I guessed was taken out of a vlog. The two of us were in a car, and Jack was holding the camera to film.

"Alright everybody," Jack said, "today's the day. Pokemon Sun and Moon are now available, and Mellie's about to get her hands on one of them."

"I need it," I said, still looking out the window. "Let's go inside, I need it."

"Alright," Jack said. "Let it be known here. I'm dating a nerd everybody. A nerd!"

The next scene was taken back at the apartment, probably within a YouTube video. Jack was sitting on the floor, pouting, and Mikey and Oli were on either side of him still in chairs, laughing. Whatever had happened, they thought was funny but Jack had seemed less than amused. I then came back from the kitchen with an ice pack, and handed it to Jack before taking a seat next to him.

"It seems Jack has fallen and hit his funny bone," Mikey said on the video, and Oli doubled over in another fit of laughter. 

"My humorous!" Jack yelled as I placed the ice pack onto where he'd hurt himself, and trying to stifle giggles myself. 

"Calm down, you're fine," I said, lifting up his elbow and kissing it softly. "See? I fixed it. All better."

"All better."

I waited until the video was done before shutting my laptop and setting it on my nightstand table before laying down in the dark and staring up at my ceiling. I wondered what Jack was doing at that moment. Maybe he was asleep by now. Maybe he was laying awake and doing the same exact thing. Or maybe he was sat in front of the TV with Josh and Conor. 

He made me so happy. That was the one thing that I had gathered from the compilation. How his eyes lit up whenever I laughed. The way he looked at me, and how he smiled when looking at me. The way I looked at him, and smiled. I'd do anything to know what that felt like. I wanted to love Jack the way I used to, and deep down I knew that I was capable of doing it again.

I just needed to learn how.

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