Chapter 10

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"Okay Amelie, based on our tests and the few things you've recalled over the past couple of weeks, we'd say you're showing good signs of improvement," Doctor Richards said, and Joe shot me an encouraging smile from his seat behind him.

"So this is normal then?" I asked, "I'm on track to getting my memories back?"

"Maybe, maybe not," he started to explain. "With head injuries, no two are exactly the same, so there is no such thing as 'normal'. But you are showing great improvement, which means I'm hopeful that they'll return.

So he wasn't sure they were coming back, after all. Since there wasn't a normal, there was no way he could be.

"So what can we do to help her further?" Joe asked him, standing up and stepping closer to get a better look at us.

"It'd be good for her to get back into a routine," he said, "I know you've said you were starting to get her into one. Keeping it consistent would probably be best, if that's possible."

Joe nodded, "We'll do our best,"

"Well in that case, then I'll see you both in two weeks for your next appointment." Doctor Richards said, bidding us both goodbye, "Take care now, both of you."

I followed Joe out of the doctor's office, Doctor Richards's words still swirling around in my head.

So there was a good chance my memories could come back.

But there was also a good chance they wouldn't.

"Hey Joe, can you drop me off at the bookstore?" I asked him as soon as he started driving.

"I can go with you, if you'd like," he said, "I don't just have to drop you off."

"I just need some time to walk around and think. He did say I'm alright to be alone now sometimes." I pointed out.

"Do you know how to get back home from there?" he asked, and I nodded. I was pretty sure I knew, anyways.

"Jack took me there when we were out that one day." I said. "It wasn't far, and it was only a couple of streets. I'll be alright,"

"Okay," he said. "I'll see you at home then. Just call me if you need anything,"

"I will," I said, hopping out of his car as soon as we'd reached the bookstore.

Walking around the store with Jack was great, but being able to explore in there alone was something even more amazing. Although, I wasn't sure what books I had read in the past five years and which ones I hadn't. I didn't get the chance to get a great look at my library back at Jack's.

Some of them knew me by name and asked me how I was doing. I had re-met some of them when Jack took me in, one girl in particular, Sarah. I guess she had been the person I usually went to for book recommendations, so she was able to help me find something I hadn't read before.

"This is one you've looked at time and time again," she said, "but for some reason, you never got it."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It's called A Court of Thorns and Roses." she said, picking up a book with a red cover. "And it's like a retelling of The Beauty and the Beast, in a way. It's amazing,"

I decided to pick up that book while I was there, along with a book of puzzles. Maybe some reading and brain games can help with healing, and getting my memories to return. After paying and bidding Sarah goodbye, I left the shop to find my way home.

I knew it wasn't long, and I used to walk more often than drive to the bookstore, but for some reason it escaped me which street I needed as soon as I set foot outside. Getting nervous and finally giving up after a few minutes of searching, I decided to call Joe's phone to have him pick me up.

"Hey it's Spongebob, sorry Joe couldn't get to the phone right now, but please leave a message!" Joe's answering machine recording of him doing his Spongebob impression said, ending the message with Spongebob's famous laugh. I tried his phone a couple more times, but he still wasn't picking up.

"No, no, no..."I muttered as the third call went to voicemail.


Why the hell did Joe actually leave me alone?

He didn't have his phone on him, and I'd call Zoe but her and her boyfriend, Alfie I think his name was, were out of town. Oli was visiting his family for the weekend. I didn't want to call Jack for obvious reasons. That would lead to more conversations I couldn't handle having.

Using a last resort out of desperation, I hit dial, finally hearing him pick up after the second ring.

"Hello?" Conor asked.

"Conor!" I exclaimed, "Thank God you answered."

"Of course I did," he said, "what's going on?"

"Well, Joe dropped me off at the bookstore," I said, "and I told him I could find my way back but now he's not answering his phone and Zoe's gone, and I don't know how to get home and I didn't know who else to call."

"I'm on my way, okay?" he asked, "Just hang tight, and I'll be there in five."

"Okay," I said, "thank you."

When he pulled up, I ran towards his car, and when I got in, I couldn't help myself from hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, a little surprised.

"Thank you," I said, almost near tears. "I'm sorry, I really thought I could do it."

"Hey, it's okay," he said, "I told you, I'm always here for you. C'mon, don't cry, okay?"

"Okay," I said, wiping my eyes. "Thanks for giving me a ride home."

"Oh, no, we're not going home just yet," he said, and I looked at him, confused, before realization hit me.

"Oh, no," I said, shaking my head.

"Yes," Conor nodded.

"Conor please, I can't see him," I said.

"Amelie, please, he's a complete wreck without you," Conor said, "I've never seen him like this, not even when you were in the hospital. He's absolutely gone. Please talk to him."

"Well... okay," I agreed finally, and then he pulled the car out of the lot, taking us back to his flat.

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