Chapter 28

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"Well, Amelie, you've made some amazing progress these past six months," Doctor Richards said, looking over my file one last time.

I've made amazing progress these past six months... but.

There was always a but.

"...but we're afraid it's likely this is as far as you'll get." he finished. "Now, every case with a head injury is different, and there is no normal for as far as memory restoration goes with amnesia, however, the first six months are crucial. Could your memories that are still lost return in the future? It's possible. Is it probable? Not very likely."

So that was it.

This was as far as I could go.

I'd remembered so many big things. My first date with Jack, in my bedroom back in Brighton. Family vacations, things preparing for Bella's arrival, how to take care of Jack with a hangover. There were so many things that I'd remembered, and it was great. I was able to function like a normal human and be around the man that I loved.

"Thank you for everything," I told Doctor Richards, standing up as he got ready to let me out. "I know it hasn't been easy,"

"Take care of yourself, Amelie," he said. "And if anything big comes back, or if you have any other troubles, don't hesitate to call us. We're always here for you."

But there was so much still missing.

After all this, I still didn't even have the memory of meeting Jack for the first time. Sure, it hadn't been some big event, just when they'd come back to Brighton at one point with Joe to come visit, but it was probably one of the most important memories I'd ever had. And it was likely that it would never come back.

I ducked into the bathroom, pressing the phone to my ear. I was supposed to call Jack when I was done at the appointment, but I didn't know how I could tell him that it was almost set in stone that I actually wasn't going to remember all of these things that we'd spent the past six months working almost nonstop towards me remembering. I'd been so nervous for this appointment that I went and stayed back in my room at Joe's flat the night before, even if that room technically wasn't mine anymore, but rather Joe's spare room. I hadn't even talked to Jack at all that day. Joe dropped me off, and Jack would pick me up as soon as I was done.


But I couldn't face him just yet.

"Conor?" I asked, my voice cracking softly.

"Mel?" he asked, "What's the matter? Jack's supposed to come get you after your appointment, is everything okay?"

"Can you come get me?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes," he said then, "I'm on my way. Just hang tight until I get there. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Thank you," I told him, bidding him goodbye and hanging up, just looking at myself in the mirror.

So that was that.

After the five years I'd lost, I thought I'd looked completely different when I looked in the mirror for the first time, but that was almost nothing compared to the change that I'd made these past six months.

All of the baby weight had gone away. My face had thinned out, making my features appear sharper, and where my hair had once fallen past my chest at the beginning of this whole journey, it now just barely reached my shoulders. I had opted for the change the night before, when I'd first started to notice how much I was changing, and chose to continue that change.

Actually, the night before, my nerves over how today would go had gotten the better of me, and the change had officially taken full effect. I'd driven myself to the mall and went shopping after the haircut, buying clothes that had at first seemed out of my comfort zone until I'd tried them on, before then venturing to the local tattoo parlor.

Needles had always scared me, however, after all that I'd gone through, it seemed so silly that something so insignificant had been such a huge fear. So I went through with it, and now the word 'Unstoppable' adorned my wrist, as a permanent reminder of how much I'd grown over the course of this.

I'd lost myself, and managed to find me again. I came back after a long fight, and came back stronger than ever. I truly was unstoppable.

Except maybe now when it came to telling Jack that I wouldn't remember anything else. I mean hey, maybe he'd be so taken aback by all of these changes I hadn't told him I was making that he wouldn't even notice when I told him.

"Wow," Conor said as I slid in the passenger seat. "Who are you and what have you done with Mel?"

"I'm not remembering anything else," I blurted, and Conor's face turned from an expression of surprise and confusion to one of sadness.

"So that's why you called me and not Jack," he said. "Mel, I'm so sorry,"

"And I don't know how to tell him because I don't want him to be angry at me," I said.

"Amelie," he started, "Jack's not going to be angry with you. We were all prepared that this might happen. He and I talked about it last night. He's scared that this is the news you'll come home with, yes, but he's prepared for it. We knew this was a possibility."

"I know," I said, "I just know he's going to be so disappointed. I can't go home and face him with this."

"Please let me take you back home," Conor said, "You can talk to him, and the two of you can get through this. Please, Mel,"

"Well...." I trailed off, "Okay."

The drive home was a mixture of taking way too long and taking no time at all. Jack was waiting by the door when we came in, giving me a quick hug hello.

"Holy cow, Princess you look amazing," he said, running his fingers through my hair. "I like it short like this,"

"I'm unstoppable," I said, holding up my wrist, and he held onto it, admiring the tattoo script.

"It's beautiful," he said. "So how was the appointment?"

"Jack, I'm..." I trailed off, tears welling up in my eyes. "This is it. It's been six months, and it's not going to get much better than this. So we're done with the lessons, and if the memories decide to come back, then they'll come back."

"Hey," he said, reaching up and wiping away my tears. "it's okay. So there are things you don't remember. There are things from the past year that I don't remember either. But you know who you are, and you know where you're going from here. And we've got each other. We are unstoppable. Strong when apart, but unstoppable when united."

Unstoppable we were.


Author's Note

Hey guys! For those of you still reading, thank you so much for sticking with me so far. We're almost done! Sad, I know, but I will definitely have more Jack stories coming up in the future.

Speaking of which...

I've got a Conor story out now! The story is called Miracle and it's up on my profile if you'd like to read it!


Liv xoxo

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