Chapter 14...Abstinent Blood-Heir

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"Please, don't look at me like that. I'll get you out, I swear! I am simply in need of a friend..."

I unlatched the wooden crate, grasped the sleeve over your arm as I opened the door with a long, drawn out creak. You were cold as ice in the early hour's air, poor thing. My room was dark; there were just two thin windows, barred over so I could never escape. Humans would love to have me, they say. A bloodless pureblood, a powerless puppet to torture, to test who knows what on. The two adjacent strips of blue tinted the entire room with their minty overtones. I tugged at your arm, gesturing for you to follow as I lead the way out on hands and knees, wobbling up like a doll on the wooden floor. I looked back at you, knowing how my scarlet red eyes would still look black in the bad lighting. I twirled a black ringlet about my index finger, a nervous habit, my free hand straightening the satin fabric of my dress.

"What's your name? Where did you come from? My name is Rosa. I've never left this room once my entire life."

I spoke in nervous jumbles, my body all jittery, nervous. I'd been warned about people before, but they wouldn't put me in danger, right? No doubt they'd leave you here unarmed, an easy catch in hopes I....

I fidgeted with my dress, pulling at a wrinkle. It wasn't good to think about those things.
Rosa Annalise DeVelle

Princess Rosa, undeclared heiress to the throne. The child of two purebloods; vampires, bloodlines pure and unmixing as far back as bloodlines go. Two powerful families: Two very royal families, together possessing vast lands that stretched from sea to sea, loyalties and respect to a level never before preceded, all pulled together by one union. By the marriage of two very beloved firstborns, who had grown very close, who very much wanted a family, and who were expecting a child, a soon to come daughter. And this deceleration was met with utmost joy, with pride and excitement; with love. Flowers of white and gold were set all about the castle. The newlyweds threw a ball in their daughter's honor. And then came the day she was born, and they were happy. And they picked her up, and they held her, and they studied her. And she had her mother's looks, the most beautiful scarlet eyes, the silkiest brown hair. Her father's grace, as even the movements of her hand were delicate, her voice was hushed as if afraid to wake someone. Her cheeks were the color of cherry blossoms;most delicately painted rosy skin, like fragile china. And that little girl was me, and something was off about me. No matter what, they couldn't put their hands on it. And so I was kept within the castle, raised as a delicate flower, sheltered from the world outside.

And on my sixth birthday, when my baby teeth had just begun to grow out, I was given a present. A ritual present. A human. A human was laid to my feet, sweet smelling, fragile. And up till then, I hadn't seen one. I'd thought of humans as mere animals; I hadnt known they were people; I hadnt known they looked so much like us. But I was a princess of the tainted moon, and with that I held responsibilities, responsibilities I could not abandon, grace I couldn't turn to disgrace, right before the eyes of my beloved mother and father. And so I bit. Hard, with every last ounce of my strength. What came to my lips was not a sweet taste, but a disapetizing one. The taste of metal, like a dry fork pressed against the tongue. Cringeworthy. And to my ears, a scream. Desperate pleas, a pain-striken outburst. I pulled away, scared. I pulled away, horrified, wandering what I had done wrong. And I looked around, and I could still hear this girl's heart thumping within her chest. The passage of air as others breathed in and our. The trickle of blood as it dripped down to my chin. And I was made to try again. Again until tears began to flood my eyes, again till I wrapped my arms around the fragile shell that had been just a few years older than me, it's heart no longer beating, its body limp. Except there was no yearning in my eyes. My heart sped; it didn't slow. There was no hunger, no lust. I was a monster, and I was sick, and I was poisoned, and I was tainted in a way I could never be saved.

And the royal child born to the purest of the pure was tainted. She was a human, a horrendous misslip, a mistake. And I was human, and I was forsaken.

And I was a curse. I was their curse.

And so they declared her dead; declared their dearest princess to have choked to death on her very blooding day, its remains to be locked away. Deep away, to rot. To live. To grow old, to live out its life in the quietest of ways, in a way no one would ever notice. So no one would ever know she was even there, ever born.

They named me Rosa, just another rose.
Like all the other roses in the garden, it was a fragile red. Its petals would slowly spill, one by one, they would die, scatter the wind in scarlet. And then, delicately as it had come into this world, pitifully and uselessly...she would be gone.


Rose watched the unfamiliar human sleep within the cage. They were dressed weird this time, their clothes dirty and ruined, as if (he'd/she'd) rolled in the mud and twigs for weeks, but (her/his) hair was so soft; fluffy.

It had been eleven years since they locked her away, abandoned her. Eleven years, to this day. Rose was a young woman by now. Every day, she would take a bath in rosewater. Brush her hair, put on a new set of clothes. All on her own, with no one to help her. On a normal day, the first rays of sun would be when the castle fell asleep. She would awake to a silver tray by her bedside, with normal food. The kind they raised babies on, simply so they could have a small taste of what humans would hoard on all their lives, know how to react at dinners and teas later on, when they were older and all their worldly senses had been numbed, overrun by an unyielding yearn for the sweet nectar. Except her birthday. Except the day of her birthday, when there was something different. A human. For seven days after each year's end, the princess was locked in her room with a human. With no company, no food or drink. No doubt it was their final wish to someday see her grow. To check on her of these days to find a victim unconscious, shriveled up with nothing more than a pair of tooth mark on their neck...but that would never happen. Her thirteenth birthday happened, she had no fangs. Her fifteenth came and went. No matter what they did, no matter how many times they bit her, stabbed her, forced her to drink the blood of both her kind and their near brothers, it would never work. The princess was already a pureblood, and her body knew. She wasn't a human, and so she couldn't be turned. She didn't drink, and so she was a freak. The world would never accept her. Rose should have never been born.

And so the young princess stood before her new plaything, head tilted, thinking these thoughts that were really all she thought about nowadays. Why was she born? And what was her reason to being here? Forget that, why did she want to be here? What did she want to do with it now that she had it, a life? The girl spent hours upon hours just fantasizing. Dreaming about things that possibly did exist beyond these castle walls. And the girl came to a conclusion. What she wanted was not to drink the blood of a human. What she wanted was not honor, the acceptance of her people, riches. The girl didn't even need an adventure, to be saved by the charming prince of an old story. Because all of her dreams had just one thing in common to the cursed pureblood; a friend. More than anything in the world, the girl was lonely. And she needed a friend.

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