Chapter 4...Burning Ship And Pirates

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The eight-year old held tightly to the railing of the ship as another half was blown away, tears overflowing as she suffocated on the black smoke, wind changing direction so the fire began to head towards her. She screamed again.

"Papá! Papá"

Sacchan looked around desperately, her short blond hair, dirtied already from the suit of all that smoke, being blown about messily by the wind. The ship rocked threateningly with every loop of the mountainous waves, the adjacent red vessel wielding blow after blow. A scramble of sailors made their escape on the tiny lifeboats at either corner of the ship, only the child still remained on deck, stubbornly still in denial, screaming out for her father.

The shouts of Men, the touching of shoe to wood.

She coughed into her sleeve, barely able to keep eyes open.

"Papá! Papá!"
She whisper-yelled desperately.

The adjacent ship wouldn't stop firing. They'd already begun raiding the ship, though the few that were left behind met their circumstances with a less than diplomatic face, bitterly cursing with the occasional drunk breaking fire before being held back or thrown overboard.

More rocking. The ship begun to fall apart.


The girl choked, coughing more, running with her back bent as to not be caught, the smoke acting as her cover as she hid behind a stack of crates that had been misplaced by all the rocking.


Sacchan's shoulders began to tremble. Hacchan had already made her escape on the last boat. Where was Papá? Was he with Hacchan? Had he left his daughter behind?

"Papá..? H-"

Sacchan coughed into her sleeve. The sound of boots. One of the pirates was nearby. The girl tried desperately to stop coughing. It was so hot. Her lungs burnt with smoke.

The sound of shoes stopped before the little girl. Sacchan trembled, rising her hand to cover the nose.

No...please no....

A Compilation of Fantasy ConceptsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon