Chapter 15

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"I bet that someone's just messing with you" I said with confidence.

He took a sip from his drink and nodded slowly staring at the note laying on the white coffee table. "Yea maybe. But it seems like whoever sent this is trying to warn us. Warn us that your in danger" he said then reached out for my hand but I quickly pulled it back.

"Maybe you can find out who sent this, use some witch spell. Good luck I've got to go" I said then got up to leave. His face lightened up and looked like he needed to say something but he stopped himself and slouched back down.

As I was walking I texted Matt telling him I was free now to talk, then I realized I had a new text message.

One new text message

Inbox 1

Subject_ Important

Hi Scarlett you don't know who I am yet. But I can't wait to finally meet you, there is something you need to know. The council is bad, and someone close to you is working with them. They've kept you away from me, all these years I've been locked up til now


Skylar ∆ Your Sister

My mouth just dropped. I looked around the hallway to see if someone was just messing with me. Could Trent be the one working for the council? I needed to find Matt, I spun around quickly and bumped face first into Matt.

"Gosh, you scared me" I said.

He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me into a corner. "Uh hey Matt nows not the time"

He shook his head. "Yea I know that. I need to tell you something really important" he said with a serious look on his face.

"Okay. I need to tell you something as well" I told him.

He fiddled with his thumbs then looked back up at me and smiled. "Alright you first"

I was ready to tell him my theory about Trent. It explains why Trent is always there, and how he always wants to talk to me and ask me things. He's working for the council and wants the inside scoop of what I'm working on. He's been trying to gain my trust, and I'm pretty sure he faked that note too!

"Matt. The council is bad and I think Trent is working for them" I said. I was going to continue but the look on Matt's face made me stop talking.

"Scarlett these past days with you has been amazing, and wonderful. But it was never meant to be this way"

Something about his tone and facial expression convinced me Trent wasn't the spy.

"The council had something on my brother a few years ago. My brother escaped their sight but they found him again. They said they were going to kill him unless I did something for them. I couldn't just let my brother die so I listened to what they had to say. They told me I needed to get close to someone, find out what there plans were and make sure they never found out about something" he said then paused to look at me.

"That someone was me wasn't it." I said.

"Yea. But I swear after I got to know you I didn't do what they told me. I fell in love with you Scarlett" said Matt.

"How could you? You were the only person that understood me, and why the hell does the council care what I do?!" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't know. They were going to kill my only family member I had left. Once I started liking you I told them I want to quit, but they promised if I did leave they would hunt me down and have me watch all the people I love killed" he said. He wiped a read off of his face.

"Scarlett I didn't know what to do!"

"So are you here to spy on me or to apologize?" I asked.

He never showed up or answered my calls. No matter what he says, he was working with the council that whole time!

"The council sent me here to lock you up. They didn't want you to find your- your uh" he said pausing not sure if he should continue.

"What? So I wouldn't find my sister?" I asked, then a surprised looked came onto his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but you've got to trust me now Scarlett" he started to say until I cut him off.

"I don't care what you have to say because I will never trust you again. You can rot in hell Matt" I said then walked off.

I got about 5 feet away then turned around "Trent was right. You aren't the right person for me" I said then stormed off. It was time to find my true lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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