Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning almost forgetting everything that happened, I wished it hadn't of happened. In my hand was the heart shaped necklace I put it on and quickly got dressed. I was wearing a light blue top with denim shorts. I quietly went down the hall and down the stairs; I grabbed an apple even though I just remembered I hated apples. I put on my white converse and headed out the door, I went towards the school since I didn't really know where Matt lived. I passed by Melody's house so I decided to pop in.

I walked up to her front porch and rang the doorbell. It rang for a while then someone answered the door, it was Melody's mother. "What a surprise! Hello Scarlett" Melody's mom Rachael said.

"Hi could I please speak to Melody?" I asked. "Oh sweetie Melody isn't feeling good right now" Rachael said. "Could I still see her?" I asked. "Alright, but only for a little bit" Rachael said. She opened the door wider and let me inside. I've been to Melody's house before so I knew the way to her room. I knocked on the door and heard a faint "come in" I walked over to her bed and gasped. She was as pale as snow and her eyes were as red as blood.

"Don't tell me you've turned into snow white" I joked. She laughed. "What happened to you?" I asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" she said. I leaned closer towards her; on her neck were two red marks. Vampires are real echoed the soft voice in my head.

"Are you...a vampire?" I asked. All I heard next was "Nate" then her mother walked in.

"Well, thanks for visiting. You better hurry off to school now" said Rachael. I nodded and walked out of her room and down the stairs. Mr. Leway was staring at me as I exited their house; I nodded at him and shut the house door behind me.

I found Matt in the hallway and ran up to him. "Listen Matt! We have to talk" I said.

"Sure, what is it?" he asked. "That present you gave me, the spell, what was that?" I asked.

"It was me showing my feeling towards you" he said. "Yes I know that, um thanks by the way. But how was I able to do that? How did you know?" I asked.

"You're a witch aren't you?" he said. I nodded. "How did you know though?" I said.

"In class when you drew that symbol, that's the White Witch symbol I figured that you were a witch since you drew that" he said.

"Are you a witch too?" I asked him. He nodded "yes" I looked across the hall and saw Nate.

"hey Matt, I'll catch up with you later" I said and headed towards Nate.

"Nate!" I said. he turned to look at me then gave a sigh. He looked at his friends and told them to leave.

"Oh hey Scarlett. I was just telling my friends how much I wanted to speak to you" Nate said. "Not" he said under his breath.

"Ha ha very funny. What did you do to Melody?" I asked.

"What did I do? I just took her out to a party, it's unfortunate she got so sick" Nate said.

Nate had light brown hair pale skin and dark brown eyes. "Why were you cheating on her with that other girl?" I asked.

"I wasn't. I was giving her a present" he said.

"I know what you are...I know what you did to Melody" I said.

"Do you? Well I hope you like what I am because Melody, your BFF is in turning mode. And unless you want her to die, she has to complete transition" he said.

I didn't know what to say, I just looked at him as if he was a monster. But he was a monster.

"Well I better head off to class, if you tell anyone my secret...I'll kill you" he said.


The first two periods of the day went by fast, it was already lunch and I went to find Matt.
As I was looking for Matt it turned out he was looking for me!

"Matt, we need to talk about some things" I said.

"Okay but first I need to tell you something, when I first laid eyes on you, you were so stunning and wonderful! You made me laugh and smile which I haven't done in a while. So I was wondering if you would like to go out with me" he said.

I looked at him and thought for a few seconds, I wanted to be his friend not girlfriend, but if I said no he wouldn't help me out with my witchy problems. I looked up at him and said yes. He smiled and asked me "what were you going to tell me?" I was about to tell him but then I saw Nate out of the corner of my eye staring at me. "Oh nothing" I said. Then Nate walked away.

"Do you think I could come over today?" I asked.
"Um yea sure!" Matt said. I felt bad I was using him, but right now I couldn't trust anyone. Who knows how much monsters there are in hiding!

School ended and I was looking for Matt. I found him and he came up to me and held my hand as we walked out of the school. It was a bit awkward but it was nice.

We reached his house, which was huge! It was a 3 story beige house with large tree's surrounding the area. He went up to the front door and it just opened! No one was home so he took me up to his room. He grabbed a few books from the hallway bookshelf and shut his bedroom door.

"Can a white witch die easily?" I asked.
"No, white witches can only be killed a certain way, it's ancient. But there's only a few people who know how too" he said.

"So how do you kill one?" I asked.

"Well it doesn't matter, all white witches are extinct"

"I'm-" I started to say then my pink IPhone started to ring. It was Melody.

"Excuse me I have to take this" I told him.

I went out of his room and locked myself in the washroom.

"Hello? Melody?"

"Scarlett, you need to come over, I'm dying" she said weakly.
My heart almost stopped pounding, I stopped and took in a deep breath.

"I'll be over in 2 minutes" I said then ended the call. Matt leaning on his bedroom door just stared at me weirdly. "It's Melody" I said. "She's dying"

Before he could say anything I told him about Nate, and how he was a vampire and how he turned Melody. I ran out the door and almost got hit by a car on my way over. I knocked furiously on the door, no one answered. I checked their garage no cars, her parents were still at work. I went around her house and opened to barbecue where the spare key was. I unlocked the door and ran straight up to her room.

"Melody! I'm here don't worry" I said scared.

She turned to look at me, she was all pale with blood shot eyes. "You need blood" I told her.

"Nate...he's a vampire, he bit you and now your turning into a vampire you need blood so that you can live" I said.

"What? Vampires aren't real" she said.
"I'm dying Scarlett stop joking around"

"I've known you for half of my life and your dying right now, do you think I'd be joking?" I asked. I went into her bathroom and found a pair of scissors, I opened them and ran it across my arm, making myself bleed. I shoved my arm towards her mouth. "Drink" I screamed. She looked at the blood and her eyes went back to there normal ice blue colour. She opened her mouth and two pearly white fangs popped out and sank into my arm. I felt the rush of blood leaving my body, she kept drinking and drinking, I was starting to feel faint. I held my arm with my other hand and pulled it away from her mouth, but she wasn't letting go! "Melody stop drinking! Your going to kill me!" I screamed.

She stopped and looked at me, realizing who I was, her friend. She opened her mouth and blood started spewing out of my arm. She got up really fast and grabbed me a towel, she wrapped it around my arm tightly. I squirmed a bit, then let out a huge sigh.

"Thank you" she said.

"I'm glad your okay" I told her.

"No! Don't leave me" she yelled.

"I'm not going anywhere" I assured her.

I heard someone come in through the door. "I think your parents are home now, but don't tell them. Also stay away from Nate, as for your thirst for blood problem I'll get some blood bags from the hospital" I told her. I waved goodbye to her and left her room, I shut the door quietly and left through the front door. Although I didn't pass by her parents, as I left the house Matt was waiting outside on the front porch.

"I wanted to give you guys some privacy" he said. He turned to look at me but then saw my bleeding arm.

"Oh my gosh! Scarlett your bleeding!" He said.

"Yea I know, I kind of figured that out"

"Hurry we have to get you back to my house" he said.

He lifted me up and started to speed walk back to his house.

"I'm just bleeding you know, you can put me down" I said.

"Melody was just made so she didn't know how to drink yet, you could bleed to death" he said seriously.

He went up to his room and opened an old book with weird engravings on them. He took the wet towel off and started to mumble some words.

"Musleth, skig aterdea, ruin uhis" is all I heard coming from his mouth. I looked down at my arm and I stopped bleeding, the wound started closing up and it looked as if nothing happened!

"What were you chanting?" I asked.

"All powerful spells are in ancient Latin" he said.

"But really powerful witches don't have to say anything they just think about the spell and it works!" He said.

I was going to tell him that I was leaving the school for witch school, but then he brought over something that looked special. It was a box with old engravings around the outside, on the top was a beautiful white flower that almost looked real.

"You seem so interested about White Witches so I thought you might want this, it belonged to a real White Witch a thousand years ago" he said and handed me the box.

"Thanks Matt, you've been really nice to me" I said.

"But unfortunately, I'm leaving Birch Wood Secondary School" I said sadly.

"What?! Why?" He asked.

"The council told me I needed to go to an all witches school" I told him.

"The council? You've spoken to them!?" He asked.

"Yea why?"

"They're the most powerful people ever! You must be pretty important for them to notice you and speak to you" he said.

"Well I just figured out that I was a witch 2 days ago" I told him.

"A lot of people figure it out themselves" he said.

"But if I were you I wouldn't trust them" he said, and he left it at that.

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