Chapter: 10

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Chapter 10

Melody looked pale, veins and white cold skin showing as if she were gunna die.

She is. So will Scarlett.

Everybody looked around the room, staring at one another. All thinking the same thing, "who are we going to save" To some the answer was obvious. Scarlett.

Melody was the first to speak.

"I know what your all thinking. Just save Scarlett and stop wasting your time thinking about me" she said.

"Melody! No one wants you to die, if Scarlett were up she'd force us to save you first" Matt said.

Although what he said wouldn't make a difference she felt reassured.

"Melody's right. We can't waste time, if we act fast we can save both of them" Leo said.

"What's going to happen to Scarlett if we don't help her in time" Melody asked.

"She won't wake up" replied Leo.

"Help Scarlett first, I'll be fine" said Melody.

But everyone knew she wasn't going to be, already she is in pain. What will happen to her in the next 10 minutes, everyone wondered. Leo took Scarlett from Trent's hands, he took her carefully and placed her on the wooden table located at the back of the room. She lay there lifelessly as he went to get some books.

"Matt, and Trent your going to be helping me" said Leo and gestured them to come over. They came over and started looking at the books that Leo held.

"This is going to take lots of concentration, but it won't take away lots of power since three people are performing the spell" said Leo.

Matt looked nervous and scared of the outcome.

Leo nodded his head and all three guys started speaking at once. Melody was in a trance, thinking about what was going to happen to her. She prepared herself and was ready to die.

If she did survive this, what would her parents think of her? They would surely disown her and abandon her. She thought to herself. What will I do in life? But the question that scared her the most was, "what if. I kill someone?"

Melody was starting to feel weak, she felt her cold blood rushing through her veins getting colder as time went on.


Suddenly I feel my heartbeat pounding in my body. I felt my blood start flowing again, I could breath again.

I slowly lifted one eye open, curious to see what happened.

I was facing up at the dark ceiling, I turned to my right and saw Trent. I smiled at him then turned to my left and saw Matt and Leo. I sat up straight and gasped as I saw Melody.

"Are you okay?" asked Trent.

"I thought I died" I said.

I looked nervously back at Melody, she looked terrible, for once.

"Are you guys going to help her?" I asked scared.

"Yes. We had to save you first" said Leo.

I got off the table and rushed towards Melody. She didn't have her eyes open, and her skin was becoming black.

"What are you waiting for?! Christmas?!" I yelled.

They all jumped in shock then came over to Melody.

"Alright everyone except Scarlett, repeat this spell 5 times over and over" Leo said.

They all started saying the spell, not in sync though. I just stared at Melody the whole time, who was starting to get back the color on her face.

They finished chanting and we all watched and waited, as Melody lay there lifeless.


April started walking home, she felt sick inside for betraying one of her friends. She thought about going back to the station, but she was too scared to face Scarlett.

She started walking slower as her insides started turning. She felt sick and almost collapsed. She ran home and dropped down cold in the living room.

"Michael! Hurry it's April!" screamed Mrs. Perksons. Her husband, Michael walked in.

"Lindsey! What happened?" Michael said.

"I'm not sure, I heard a thump and saw her laying here" said Lindsey.

Michael knelt down and shakes her.
"Sweetie wake up, please"

He touched her pulse. Lindsey looked nervously back at Michael.

"She's alive" said Michael.

April woke up and gasped for air. "Mom, Dad what happened?" April asked.

They weren't sure, Mrs. Perksons went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate since April was shivering.

"Sweetie, for us to help you your going to need to tell us everything" said Michael in a calming voice.

Lindsay came back with hot cocoa and handed it to April.

"Okay. You might not believe me but just listen" April started to say, her parents nodded at her.

"Well, when Scarlett came over for a sleepover she was floating and chanting something. I was really freaked out and scared. When she woke up she acted normal. I confronted her about it later, and she said that...she's a witch" April said.

She looked at her parents, thinking that they would be in shock. But their faces were blank.

"She had to leave not explaining anything to me, so I told someone. I told a secret organization, then they took her. As I started walking home I felt sick and then I collapsed" said April.

Now her parents had a scared look on their faces.

"You betrayed a witch" said Mrs. Perksons.

"She doesn't know what your talking about Lindsey" said Mr. Perksons.

"Tell me what?" asked April.

"Ok, honey just listen and no questions till the very end" said Michael.

He took a deep breath then spoke.

"Your mom and I, were hoping that we would never have to tell you this. Our family comes from a line of werewolves" Michael said, and April gasped from the thought.

"Werewolves don't exist anymore, till now. Over a million years ago, witches helped our ancestors fight the curse. The witches put a spell on them, causing them to not be a werewolf anymore. But of course all spells can be breakable. Since the witches helped us, the saying was that if you betray a witch the spell they put will be undone" said Michael.

April started breathing heavily now. "So I broke the curse? Now because of me our relatives will turn into a werewolf?!" April shouted.

"It's not your fault you triggered the curse. You didn't know, we should've told you" said Lindsey.

"Does everyone become a werewolf, or just me?" asked April.

"All werewolves become a werewolf
after their 17th birthday. Since the spell was placed a million years ago, no one has had to change. Your mom and I are past 17 so we will never turn into a werewolf, same with everyone else that is older then 17" said Michael.

April couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought her family was normal, but it turns out they're werewolves.

She felt so bad, she feel asleep. Right before she shut her eyes she heard the shrieking sound of a wolf howling in pain.


Sorry for the slow updates. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. what's going to happen to Melody? and now there's werewolves! yay? or nay? If you like this chapter you van vote for it thanks!

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