Chapter: 11

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Chapter 11

We stared around were Melody was seated. Just a few minutes ago she gasped for air, then feel back down again. It's been 30 minutes since the spell, and we've been all waiting anxiously.

When I blacked out from the spell I dreamt of ... or remembered a memory I once had.

It was cold, I was in a damp cave surrounded by glowing lights. It seemed special, almost like a birthday. I felt loved and had a family I belonged to.

After the ceremony was over I remember that I was playing with a girl, not my age but maybe a few years older. Her name was Skyler.

Just before I woke up she muffled the words "Help me" She had a terrifying look on her face and I felt so angry that I couldn't do anything about it.

Thinking back at the dream, I realized she looks sorta looks like me.


I looked around terrified, while shaking away the dream. Then I focused back to reality.

"Huh?" I said.

"She's alive, but she seems to be in some sort of coma" said Trent.

Matt coughed. "Um I thought I was going to break the news to her"

"Chill out dude, just trying to help" said Trent.

"Well there's nothing you guys can do right now. So I suggest you all go home now, and I'll take care of Melody" said Leo.

I nodded and started walking towards the narrow staircase. Then Trent stepped in front of me.

"Hey, need a ride back?" he asked.

I looked back at Matt, who seemed furious with Trent. I don't get what's wrong with them, can't they get along?

Feeling bad for Matt I said, "thanks but I think I'm going home with Matt"

He looked surprised that I said no. Maybe he forgot that Matt and I were dating.

"Oh yea that's um cool. I guess I'll see you around" he said.

"Yea, thanks for everything you did tonight, even though you hardly know any of us" I said to him.

Then Matt interrupted, "Alright Scarlett lets go, and that's funny didn't anyone tell you to not speak to strangers?" he said smirking at his joke.

"What's wrong with you tonight?" I said to Matt.

He just stared and didn't say anything. He looked over to Trent, who was still standing at the doorway. Matt was blaming all of this on Trent.

"Seriously!" I said then paused.

"Trent saved my life and yours! If he didn't rescue me I would still be stuck in a cell. If we didn't come here and preform a spell, you would of been captured!"

I said taking in a deep breathe from speaking so loudly.

"And all you have the need to do, is complain! Stop feeling hatred to a person who just saved your damn life!"

At that point everyone was dead silent, even Leo wasn't saying anything. I just about had it with boys that night.

No one said anything, so I walked past Trent and headed out the door.

I could tell Trent was right behind me, but he didn't say anything. He could obviously tell I wasn't in the mood to talk.

But great! Just great! I lost my two rides home, and who knows how far it takes to make it back home! I wish there was like some traveling spell that warps you to your destination.

I started walking down a dark alley, a filthy alley too. Garbage laying all over the ground, sewage waste dripping from the walls, and to top it off, the horrible smell of dead skunks.

If I didn't know where I was, I could swear that I was at a cemetery for dead animals.

I kept walking, keeping up my pace. There was a shadow on the wall that was following me. But I didn't frighten myself too much, since it could be my own shadow.

I looked behind me were I heard a crack noise, no one was there. I turned around and stumbled on something then landed face first in a pile of dirt. Or I hope it was dirt.

I tried to get back up but something was stopping me.

I grunted, as I tried to push myself up. I gasped for air then fell back down, whoever was holding me down was a masculine figure.

"Umpf, Matt.. is that you?" I asked.

I got a smirk. Defiantly a man's voice.

"Stop! What are you doing to me?" I shouted, hoping that they would stop.

I heard a faraway sound, then I felt the pressure release me. I stood up quickly looking around to see who was there. I didn't see anyone, and even if they were still here watching me, I couldn't tell. It was so dark, with no light in the alley.

I heard the crack noise again, and this time I knew better. I started to run for my life, faster, and faster.

It started to become brighter as I neared the end of the alley. I reached open air, a few minutes later. There was no civilization, just a field and a creek.

I kept running towards the creek. Then I heard the crack noise again, this time I spun around and saw a huge black figure leaping towards me.

It looked like an oversized dog, and it jumped onto me, pushing me backwards into the creek.

I shrieked and squirmed as the deep water consumed me, and swallowed me whole. The water was freezing, and the creature still had its paws on me letting me sink even more.

All of a sudden the creature pulled out of the water, and I was left sinking.

I tried swimming back up but I was too far down, and I lost all my strength. I started breathing in the water.

I slowly lost my ability to see, then I sank to my death.


"Is she going to be alright?" asked a familiar voice.

"She should be" said a voice that sounded like Antonius.

I coughed up a gulp of water, a slowly opened my eyes to see that I was at the institute.

"Are you okay?" someone asked. I looked over and saw Trent standing there.

"Yea I'm fine it's only the third time I've come close with near death. What are you doing here?" I asked.

He laughed. "I'm glad your okay, an-"
He was cut off by Antonius.

"He saved you from a werewolf attack" said Antonius.

"Wait. A werewolf? I thought they were extinct" I said.

"They were, someone lifted the curse"

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