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Waking up before the alarm went off was an unusual thing for you but you were glad that you did. You had completely forgotten what it was like waking up next to Kendall. Well, not exactly next to her, but close enough to see her soft angelic features. You appreciated her beauty for a few more minutes until you decided that being caught staring was not today's plan so you headed to the shower.

After following your morning routine, you made your way back to your room only to find a confused Kendall with cute messy hair, rubbing her eyes and glancing up at you.

"What time is it?" she asked, still puzzled.

"Five to nine," you replied after checking your watch. Kendall groaned and buried her face back in the pillow. "Come on sleeping beauty, we have a great day ahead of us."

She stood up from her spot in the double bed and shut the bathroom door. You heard the shower running so you decided to phone Olivia to make sure she knew how fucking happy you were about sharing a room, but before, you checked some e-mails.

"Hello?" you heard her sleepy voice. Fuck, you had totally forgotten about time zones.


"Y/N? What's going on? Why are you calling me at three in the morning?" she sounded concerned.

"Sorry, Liv. I forgot about time difference. It doesn't matter, go back to sleep."

"I'm awake now," she sighed. "Was this a call to make me feel miserable for what I did?"

"Kind of," you breathed out. "It's okay though. I'm not that mad at you."

"How mad on a scale from one to ten?" your boss wondered with hesitation in her voice.

"A seven? Seven and a half maybe?"

"You know, I can make it up to you when you come back," the girl suggested in a seductive tone. Even though you had decided to take some time from the sexual encounters, a bit of teasing wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Oh yeah? And what would you do?"

"You know what I would do."

"I'm clueless, why don't you tell me about it?"

"Are you really having phone sex with your girlfriend right now?" Kendall stated amusedly as she laid against the bathroom's door frame, her arms crossed in front of her chest and a raised eyebrow on her face.

"I— I— Liv, I'll talk to you later," you quickly hung up, feeling your cheeks burning with intensity. "How long have you been listening?"

"Enough," the photographer shrugged her shoulders as she got her camera ready. You observed her as she easily assembled the instrument.

"It's rude to hear people's conversations," you remarked.

"It's not rude if you share a room with someone," you rolled your eyes and got your bag ready for today. You didn't need much, just the usual stuff and your journal where you would write down the things you found interesting and you didn't want to forget about. "I didn't peg you for the type to have phone sex, to be completely honest."

"I wasn't having phone sex," you argued.

"It sounded like phone sex to me," she was the one rolling her eyes now. "Oh, Liv, what would you do to me?" the photographer exclaimed dramatically, mocking what you had said earlier.

"Oh c'mon, it wasn't like that," you disagreed.

"Why were you mad at her?" Kendall inquired, surprising you. You wondered how much had she listened, "I mean, you were definitely pissed at the airport and you were kind of mad now."

Rough Roads - Kendall Jenner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now