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While everyone in high school was too busy applying to college and way too stressed about their GPA, you were thinking about what you wanted to do. While everyone seemed to have their shit together, you were struggling. No, but honestly, you were a mess. You were 18, how the fuck were you supposed to know what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?

So that was how you decided that you needed to 'find yourself'. You had no idea what that meant but it sounded hippie and people didn't make any questions about it, so you went with it. You parents were entirely opposed to the idea of you going on the road all alone but you had worked hard for this, saved some money and you were going to do it no matter what.

"Find yourself? What does that even mean?" your dad inquired while narrowing his eyes when you told them the news.

"Honey, if you wanted to find yourself, you could always go to Aunt Marie's house and I assure you that in a week you'll know you better than anyone else," your mom suggested but you violently shook your head no. There was no way in hell you were visiting Aunt Marie's house; she was your grandmother's sister and she thought she was witch. You wouldn't be surprised if she actually was because that old woman was like 104 years old and still in great shape. Crazy, right?

"I need to do this for myself," you explained to them. "It's just a month and then I'll be back, I promise." Your parents were internally debating whether to let you go or not and you knew that it wasn't easy for them. Hell, it wasn't easy for you either. It could be adventurous and fun but at the same time it was scary to be all on your own. Somehow, your parents agreed on letting you go and that was all you needed.

That night, and the weeks after, you sat on your room doing a deep research about your road trip. You had bought a pretty big map of the United States and you had placed thumbtacks in every place you wanted to visit. From San Francisco to New York there were tons of routes to choose but since you wanted to explore and do it on your own time, you ended up choosing the ones that promised beautiful landscapes and adventurous activities. Some places deserved two or three days to be fully appreciated so you scribbled down the names and directions of places where you could possibly stay.

Your dad made sure to get the old Ford Explorer from 2004 that you owned checked at least two times. He even taught you some of the essentials about the engine and what to do in case it broke down and you listened to him even though you could easily just Google it. The ocean blue car had been with you for about a year and so far it had done pretty well its job. You were worried because you had never done such a long trip in that car but deep down you knew it'd be fine.

Your mom insisted on throwing a 'bon voyage' party and you weren't happy about it but she was, so you let her get away with it. All your family was there, your aunts, uncles, cousins, just to name a few. Your two best friends were there too and as they were leaving to college, you used that opportunity to say goodbye to them too. Honestly, you didn't like farewells at all, you hated them. It would be easier if you didn't have to go through them.

You would never forget the face of your mom when you sat on your car, ready to leave. She was crying desperately and if you didn't know better, you'd have thought someone had died.

"Mom, I'll be back soon, it's not like I'm going to Europe and leave you here. I'll be back," you reassured her. Your words didn't seem to soothe your mother but rather made her cry even more.

"Promise me you'll call everyday. And please, don't do anything stupid," your mom ordered and you chuckled at her request.

"I can't promise that," you joked and you felt her eyes glaring furiously at you. "I'm joking."

Rough Roads - Kendall Jenner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now