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Having Kendall right in front of you was surreal. You had been looking for her for so long; whenever you crossed paths with a tall dark-haired woman, you would study her until feeling extremely disappointed when you realized that stranger's eyes were looking right back at you. You had turned around, with your heart in your mouth, every time you heard a similar voice to the one whose sound had been forever recorded on your mind. You had gone out hoping that, somehow, you would ran unexpectedly into her just like you did when you first met her. And now she was standing right in front of you like you had wished all these years, like you had imagined, it was finally happening.

You met her gaze, her sweet unforgettable brown eyes that you had missed so much and that were narrowed in shock, just like yours. You noticed that her hair was a little shorter and lighter but everything remained the same, her lips, which you had kissed countless times; her eyes, that held the same tenderness from five years ago; her shyness, that you had the opportunity to witness many times. She did look more mature but more beautiful than ever.

"What a nice surprise to see you here," Kendall smiled. "How have you been?" Honestly? Terrible. You had been looking for her for years, everywhere you went, you looked for her. You looked for her in anyone you met. You looked for her in your daily conversations or in the songs you listened on the radio. And she was always there; the thought of her never abandoning your mind.

"I've been good," you rasped, meeting her intense orbs. You felt your boss' eyes burning in the back of your neck. You had completely forgotten about her and she was surely wondering who the hell this girl was. "Uhm, Olivia, this is Kendall," you found yourself struggling about how to introduce the photographer. "She's an old friend. Kendall, this is Olivia, my friend and boss." Olivia extended her hand and Kendall shook it with a tight lipped smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you," your boss politely said.

"Is this your work?" you stupidly asked already knowing the answer. Kendall nodded proudly as her gaze briefly focused on her work and then her eyes shifted back to yours. .

"Couldn't you recognize?"

"I wasn't sure," you lied. "It is lovely."

"Oh, this is your work then?" Olivia asked as with one hand she pointed at the photographies while the other one was linked in your arm. Kendall seemed to notice the subtle touch before answering to your boss.

"Yes, it is."

"That's just fantastic!" the photographer raised an eyebrow wondering what caused such enthusiasm in your friend. "Y/N and I work on a magazine and it'd be amazing to feature some of your work. You could even work with us."

Your head snapped immediately towards Olivia as a frown settled in your face.

"Really?" the girl asked hopeful.

"Yes, totally. Why don't you come over by our office on Monday?" you gulped. Shit just got real. Kendall appeared to be pleased with Olivia's proposal and you couldn't be more terrified. How did everything escalated so quickly?

"Yes! Sure!" she exclaimed while examining the elegant business card of your boss. You sighed and looked at Olivia with pleading eyes. Even though your boss was your fuck buddy, she was also your friend, and she knew that something was going on.

"Alright, we have to keep exploring all these photos but it was nice meeting you! I hope to see you soon," Olivia smiled at her and dragged you with her, not giving neither Kendall nor you the chance to say goodbye. "Spill it," she demanded once you were far away from the photographer.

"Can we just not talk about this now?" you begged and Olivia's face softened at your imploring voice. She knew something was bothering and sooner or later she was going to find out but she wanted to give you some space if that's what you wanted.

Rough Roads - Kendall Jenner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now