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I do not own OHSHC or it's characters.


Name: Kohaku Kudo

Gender: Female


Grade: first year of high school

Job: She works as a boy part time at an idol company with her brother

Physical Description: 5'6, has short spiky black hair, but she brushes it down so it lays flat when she goes to school and icy blue eyes that are great for death glares, has a scar on the side of her neck, under her ear that she hides with her hair, easily mistaken as a cute boy, completely flat chested, slim build, agile, she has a voice that could be either a boy's or a girl's, she has another scar that runs from the left side of her collarbone to her right hip, used to wear fake glasses until she learned to hide her emotion, but now wearing them is a habit.

Personality: mischievous, serious only when she needs to be, a genius, but a total slacker most of the time, slightly dark, clever, blunt, aloofness, loyal to her friends

Likes: Dark or muted colors, cats, jokes, messing with people, sleep, food, listening to music, sushi

Hates: chocolate, always serious people, people who get in her way, cheaters, crybabys, annoying clingy people

Fears: (....info not entered)

Abilities: anything, if she tries, the hard part is getting her to try, almost inhuman in a fight, can read feelings and auras, and can sometimes guess thoughts

Family: an older brother named Haru


Name: Haru

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Profession: Beautician, part-time singer, model, and actor

Physical Description: 5'9, spiky red hair, blue eyes that are slightly greener than Kohaku's, slim build, completely and totally eye-catching

Personality: HUGE sister complex, funny, overprotective, smart?

Likes: spending time with his sister, his jobs, shopping, styling, singing, designing things

Hates: people that try to deprive him of his "right" to cling to his sister, cheaters

Fears: his sister getting a boyfriend

Abilities: amazing stylist, great singer, the only person in the world that can cling to his sister without being killed

Family: his sister, Kohaku


"Kohaku~ I'm sorryyyyy. I have to go to work now. My little sister has to go to her new school all aloooonnnneeeee~" Haru wailed.



"LET GO OF MY LEG!" I shouted, trying, unsuccessfully, to get him off. Then an idea occurred.

"If you don't, I won't spend time with you after school." He was off before I finished.

"Just don't get near any weird boys," he begged.

"Tch," I blew my hair out of my face, "Half of the time I'm mistaken as a boy. Heck, at work, I am thought of as a guy."

"But you looked so cute, and no one can tell-"

"Okay let's finish breakfast," I interrupted. I love my brother, but sometimes he's hard to tolerate.

After eating in a companionable silence, I got up and put my dishes in the sink. Since I cooked, Haru cleaned up while I got ready for school.

Genius? Idol? Girl?! (OHSHC)Where stories live. Discover now