Chapter 19 | Laugh Again

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I burst into the room with a smile plastered on my face. "Puddin!" 

Jerome's face is sloppily bandaged and he is holding a gun to Dr. Thompkin's head.

 At first he looks at me with a confused, almost angry expression. Then a smile creeps across his face.

"Harley!" His voice was shaky and deeper than I remember. He held out his arms, I take the embrace cheerfully.

"I missed you!" I hug him as tight as I possibly could. He is smiling his beautiful sinister smile! Butterflies still arise every time I'm near him. 

"Hey sweetness, I need a favor." Jerome releases me. "Help me find my face." He points out the gauze on his face with his gun. 

I laugh a little, fixing a piece of gauze that was hanging out. "Of course Puddin! First we gotta get you outta here!"

A dead police officer lays on the floor. Poor guy never had a chance. I notice his uniform and then I remember the uniform that got me in here.

"Take the cops uniform, we can sneak out. No one will notice two cops in a building filled with cops."

Jerome smiles even more. "That's my girl!" 

He tosses the gun to me. "Make sure she doesn't move." He motions to Dr. Thompkins who is sitting in front of me.

 My first instinct is to pull the trigger. But before I can Jerome adds, "Just don't kill her. Not yet." I pout slightly. I've missed our murderous duo!

"You know he didn't even ask about you." Dr. Thompkins whispers as Jerome gets dressed.

"Shut up." I say bluntly. I'm not gonna listen to her lies.

"He didn't even remember you. Well at least not until you become useful in his plans."

She isn't going to trick me. Puddin remembered me. Everyone thinks he's just using me but he loves me. My Puddin loves me. 

"You're wrong. Everything you people say is wrong. Just shut up!" I didn't realize it, but by the end I was yelling.

"Harley!" Jerome glares at me. That was his way of telling me to be quiet. 

"Sorry Puddin." I frown and look to my feet. I had almost forgotten about his anger.

Jerome strides to me, grabbing a chunk of my hair. "Come on Harls." He pulls me towards the door.

"Ow, ow, ow." I complain when he tugs on my hair.

Puddin stops suddenly by the door. "Oh yeah!" He glanced back at Dr. Thompkins "Don't scream or run after us, yahta yahta yahta..."

With that we leave her behind.  Jerome lets go of my hair as we walk through an empty hallway. Luckily, we find a side exit so we slip out unnoticed. 

A cop is leaning against his car staring into the distance. We need his car. Naturally, I pull out the gun and shoot the cop.

Jerome laughs loudly as he gets into the car. "Baby! You're the best!" 

The biggest smile appears on my face. I love makin' Puddin happy! 

We laugh together as we drive away. It feels good to laugh with him again.


Sorry it was short.... I'll update soon!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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