Chapter 16 | Awake

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My vision is blurry when I wake up. I try to move but my hands are tied down. The room I'm in is strangely familiar.

From a distance I hear someone yell "She's awake!"

A woman stands in front of me. I try to ask her questions but my throat is so dry.

"Welcome back Quinn. You've been asleep for a long time."

"It's Harley" My voice is rough and scratchy. Again, I struggle to get out of my restraints.

"Okay, Harley, don't try moving yet. You've been in a coma for about a year, it's gonna take awhile to recover."

Coma? My mind races with memories. Theo Galavan, the Maniax, the magic show, everything. Jerome died. I died. Right?

Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe I'm still at Arkham, still with Jerome.

"Jerome" it's so difficult to talk but I need to know if he's alive.

"I'll get you water." The woman grabs my hand then turns to leave. Before she can walk away I squeeze her hand tightly.

"Jerome." I need answers, and she's not leaving until I get some.

She gives me a sad look. That's when I know Jerome is gone. She explains everything.

I was stabbed twice in the side. Apparently, after I blacked out Theo stabbed me again. I lost a lot of blood.

Now I'm at the Arkham infirmary and just woke up from a year long coma. Interesting.

Then she goes on to explain how Jerome died. My poor Puddin.

I let go of her so she will leave but she stands there trying to comfort me. I don't need this right now.

My only way to get her to leave is to scare her. The best way to scare a normal person, is to be crazy.

So, I start laughing hysterically and I don't stop until she runs out the door. Once I catch my breath, I cry.

When I think of Jerome I can't stop crying. I think back to when we first met. My life was so different then. At what point did my life go nutso?

I had a best friend that I could tell anything and everything to. I had an amazing family that loved me. Then, I met Jerome.

My life seemed perfect. He became my everything and now it's hard to breathe without him.

My family won't come see me, which is understandable. Kay probably has a new best friend, one that won't end up in Arkham Asylum for murder.

And Jerome is dead. Everyone I love is gone. I'm all alone.

What would've happened if I never went to that circus? Where would I be now?

I wonder what might of happened if Jerome and I ran away, like we planned to do. He'd probably still be alive. We'd be happy.

As I cry, I think back to what Jerome said to me right before he died. He wanted me to smile, he wanted me to continue our crazy adventure.

I have to get out of here. I'm gonna live out Jerome's dream for us.

In my head I come up with a plan to get out of Arkham. I can either trick them into thinking I'm sane or I can find a way to escape.

Before I can decide what to do, someone walks in the room. "How are you feeling Ms. Monroe?"

I snarl at the man. "My name is Harley."

"No. Your name is Quinn Harleen Monroe. Your parents are Lori and Bob Monroe. Two years ago you met Jerome Valeska, he manipulated you and changed you into Harley Quinn."

He did not just say that about my Puddin! "He didn't manipulate me!"

"Yes he did. He never really loved you, Quinn. You were just a toy for him to play with."

"You don't know me. You didn't know my Puddin. He did love me!"

"I never met Jerome, but I know his type. He was charming and funny at first. Then he got violent and he convinced you to join in with his violence. Once you did, there was no way out. Am I right?"

"No! Puddin loved me. He didn't need to manipulate me. I joined him because it was fun!"

"So, you had the idea to kill his mother?"

I stare at him blankly. I know what he's trying to get at, and he's wrong. "Well, no but-"

"It was his idea and he dragged you into it. He introduced you to a life of crime."

"Yes he did. And it was blast!"

"Well, let me ask you this, has he ever hurt you?"

I think back to the night before the magic show. He was so angry with me, he just snapped. That was just Jerome, I didn't mind it.

"I have no regrets." I stare at the ceiling not wanting to look at this guy anymore.

"I know. That's why I'm here. I'm your new therapist and I believe if I can show you the truth about Jerome, that I can cure you."  

"Cure me?" He's just like my old therapist.

 He's going to mess with my brain and everyone is going to wonder why I'm not getting any better. When in reality, he is making me worse!

"Not, cure, exactly. I'm going to get you over your infatuation with Jerome. Once you realize that Jerome was just a psychopath-"

I interrupt him with my laughter. "Just a psychopath! Please! Jerome was the psychopath!" 

My new therapist just shakes his head at me.

I laugh again "And honey, you ain't seen nothin yet!" Its hard to breathe when I laugh this hard.

"You need to focus Quinn."

"Yes. I should really work on that! But for now, I'm gonna need ya to leave!"

"We aren't done talking yet Quinn."

"It's Harley! Yes, I was Quinn Harleen Monroe. But that was until I met Jerome, he gave me a new name.  A better name. So use it why don't cha"

My therapist goes to say something but I talk faster. "I'm Harley Quinn. Nothing you can say or do will change that!"

"I see." He nods to a nurse across the room. She leaves, it's like he gave her instructions with just a nod.

"That's what you think now, but I won't quit until I fix that crazy mind of yours." He pats my head. I'm not a dog for him to pat! I turn and bite his hand as hard as I possibly can.

He yells as he rips his hand from my mouth. Of course, I can't stop laughing. "Someone get her a mouth guard!"

A man comes over with what looks like a muzzle. I let out a loud laugh "Hmm... I'm sensing a lack of trust."

The man muzzles me, making it a lot harder to laugh. I mean obviously I still try!

I notice the nurse standing by the doorway. Behind her is my whole family. They're all terrified.

That stupid therapist and my gullible family are my way out of this dump. If I make them think I'm back to my old self, I'll get released from Arkham.

Perfect plan! I smile the best I can. I'm gonna make my Puddin proud!

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