Chapter 6 | GCPD

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I woke up to a dark trailer, all alone. "Jerome?" I called softly. No answer.

I put on my coat and went outside. The cold wind blew the hair off of my face. Police officers blocked the entrance to the circus.

Acrobats and clowns were being loaded into the police cars. I was about to hide in Jerome's trailer, when I spotted him.

Jerome was talking with a man and a woman. From afar it almost looked like Jerome was crying. I saw the man he was talking to nod, and then Jerome jogged up to me.

"They found the body a little earlier than anticipated. I'm playing the heartbroken son, they don't suspect a thing." He sniffled and grinned at me.

"Are you sure, what if they know?" I questioned nervously.

"They don't. Cops are dumb." He hugged me. "Now, pretend to be the empathetic girlfriend." He whispered in my ear.

I forced a couple tears and held Jerome's hand. The man and woman walked up to us. The man was the first to speak.

"I'm Detective Gordon and this is Dr. Lee Thompkins. Could you come with us to answer some questions." He seemed like a nice guy.

"Of course. Anything I can do to help." I replied softly.

Jerome and I got in a car and took a drive to the GCPD. Circus people were everywhere, being interrogated by police officers. A clown and an acrobat sat in the cell.

"Ms. Monroe, could you call your parents? We need them present before we can question you." I never heard anyone call me Ms. Monroe before.

I sat at a desk and dialed my mom's number. As I listened to the rings, I thought about what I'd say. "Hello?"

"Hey mama." I spoke softly, not sure what to say next.

"Quinn! We've been worried about you. Where are you?" She sounded relieved and excited.

"I'm at the GCPD. Could you or dad come, I can explain when you get here." I spoke quickly hoping that would make the call end sooner.

"Oh dear! What happened? Are you okay?" I could tell she was concerned.

"I'm fine mama. I'll explain everything when you get here." She told me she was on her way and I hung up.

Jerome already went to a room with Detective Gordon. I stayed at the desk and tapped my foot nervously.

After a couple minutes my mom rushed in. She instantly attacked me with hugs and questions.

"Ok sweetheart, what's going on?" She clung tightly to me as she spoke. I sat with her and told her about Jerome and I.

Of course I left out the murderous bits. I just told her we were dating and his mother was murdered. She was mad at me for having a secret relationship.

Jerome and Detective Gordon exited the room they were in. They both walked up to us. I played the sad girlfriend and hugged Jerome when he got to me.

"You guys can follow me." Mom and I followed behind Detective Gordon. We went to the same room that Jerome was just questioned in.

"Is Quinn in trouble?" My mom asked as soon as we sat down. "No. I just have some questions."

He asked me very general questions. Like how long I knew Jerome, where I was all day, how well I knew Ms.Valeska.

After the questions he told me I could go home, but not to leave Gotham. Just in case he had more questions.

After a lot of begging, Jerome was allowed to stay the night at our house. My mom couldn't turn down a 'sad' orphan without a home.

That night my parents scolded me about sneaking around behind their backs. I pretended to feel bad and they let me off the hook.

I set up a makeshift bed on the couch for Jerome. My parents introduced themselves and said their condolences.

My brothers watched Jerome from their room. They weren't exactly inviting to Jerome, they hated the idea of me having a boyfriend.

Before I went up to bed I gave Jerome a big hug. "We'll sneak out later and dump the hatchet."

"Can't wait" he whispered back and kissed me. I heard my brothers door close and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Time to say goodnight" my dad's voice echoed through the living room.

"Night Jerome." I gave him one more hug and walked to my room. "Night Quinny"

At about 10 at night Jerome and I left. We caught a taxi, which dropped us off at the Arkham bridge.

Mr. Cicero told us to throw the hatchet off the edge, so that's what we did. "Well that's done!" I said excited to be done.

Jerome started laughing. "Look what the cat dragged in!" He pointed at to familiar people walking in the park below us.

A light hit their faces and I recognized them. Detective Gordon and Dr. Thompkins.

"I guess the old sap actually fooled them!" Jerome laughed out. I laughed with him.

"Come on. We should go, before they see us." I pulled him away and we made it back home. Nobody noticed we had gone.

I was about to go to sleep when my mom came into my room. "Hey sweetie, wake up."

"What is it?" I asked faking a yawn. "Some police officers are here for you and Jerome." She sounded exhausted.

I got ready quickly and rushed downstairs. Jerome and I rode in the cop's car while my parents followed behind.

We arrived at the GCPD and Jerome was immediately brought into an interrogation room. I waited with my parents near the entrance.

After what seemed like forever, Jerome was brought back out. He was laughing hysterically and a cop was guiding him towards the cell.

I ran over to him, but by the time I got there he was already locked up. I grabbed the cold bars and he touched my hands.

"What's happening?" I asked him quietly.

"Cops aren't as dumb as I thought." He laughed again. They found us out, we were caught.

"What do I do?" I felt completely lost without Jerome to guide me.

"Miss, I'm gonna need you to step away from the bars" a police officer put his hand on my shoulder and tried to tug me away.

I turned quickly and snatched the gun from his holster. I pointed it right at the cops head. Every cop in the GCPD raised their gun at me.

My mom cried and begged me to lower the weapon. Jerome's laughter filled the empty cell behind me.

I glanced around the room, everyone was so serious. I moved closer to the man I was pointing my gun at and gave him an angry stare.

"Kidding!" I grinned and dropped the gun. I raised my hands in the air, surrendering. I started laughing when the cop cuffed me.

"Jesus guys lighten up! Can't you take a joke?"  I smiled and winked at cops as they shoved me in the cell with Jerome.

I was still cuffed, but I still managed to hug him "That's my girl!" He grinned at me and I giggled in return.

My mother was balling her eyes out and my dad was giving me the disappointed look.

I overheard cops talking " these two are definitely headed for Arkham!"

"They better be! They both got screws missin" another cop added.

I gave Jerome a big kiss. "Arkham here we come!" 

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