Chapter 18 | Reborn

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I don't sleep at all. I stare at the ceiling, imagining Jerome smiling again. The image of him keeps me awake and crazy excited!

Eight o'clock hits and I spring from the bed to Dwight's room. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! My knocking echoes through his tiny apartment. 

No answer.

"Idiot." I mumble under my breath angrily. Time to wake my Puddin from death.

Quickly, I fling the door open "Get up sleepy head! We have to-"Immediately I stop in my tracks and glance around the room.

Dwight is no where to be found. I search frantically around the apartment. "DWIGHT!" I scream as I check under the couch.

That stinker left without me!

After rummaging through his stuff, I finally found a clue as to where he might have gone. Time to go!

I don't even try to cover myself from cops, I just get to Dwight as fast as possible. Once I get to my destination (finally), cops are surrounding the place. 

"Well crap!" 

I see Gordon drag someone out of the building. The person is dressed just like Kay was earlier. Probably apart of the Jerome cult, like Kay and Dwight. 

Next I see a stretcher. There's definitely a body under the blanket, I mean I can see the blood around the face.

That's when I see the bright red hair sticking out of the white sheet. Puddin!

Obviously, I wasn't going to contain myself. I sprint to the car that they put the stretcher in. Weirdly enough, no one noticed me.

Removing the sheet from his face, i realize something new about Jerome... he doesn't have a face!

Literally! It's like someone skinned his face. Yuck!

My poor Puddin. Even in death people won't leave him alone.

"I can't believe he did this" I overhear the driver say to the man in shotgun.

Eavesdropping might give me answers.

"I know! It's disgusting. What will Dwight do with his face?" The man in shotgun said

Dwight! He took Jerome's face?! And he thought I was the psychopath?!

"I don't know. I'd rather not find out." The driver replied.

Dwight! That idiotic, lying, douche bag, son of a gun, skunk face!

The truck slows to a stop and I suddenly realize where we are. GCPD. Jail, sweet jail.

If I run away now, I can escape and be a free woman. I could get my revenge on Dwight after I leave. No use in getting put back in that stupid asylum.

Right as I open the door to run away, I can't help but glance back at Jerome. My poor Puddin, Dwight was probably never going to bring you back to life. Back to me.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I remember all the hope I just lost. "Bye Puddin" I whisper

As I turn again to leave, I swear I see Jerome's finger twitch. No way!

I look closer and I see them twitch again! Just slightly, but that's still movement. Maybe the idiot did it. Maybe Dwight brought Jerome back to life!

Whether he did or not, I have to be certain. I have to know if there's even a slightest chance of my Puddin returning to my arms.

- - -

Somehow I managed to find a cops uniform and sneak into the GCPD undetected. They're security sucks now.

I wander to where they keep the bodies. A familiar voice sounds from the door.  "Well, I guess I'm just missing one thing then. Where is my face?"

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