Chapter 9 | Seven Dead Men

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The Maniax will strike soon. We came up with a plan, and I have to say, it's awesome! Barbara isn't coming with us, which bugs her.

 "I'm gonna be so bored here. All alone." Barbara complained. She was sitting on the bed in her new room.

"You'll be fine! Tabby will be here to keep you company." I say while practicing my handstand. Tabby and Barbara are together now, it didn't take her long to get over Richard.

"Tabby has to do something else" Barbara responds with a sigh.

"Oo! You'll have the mayor. Just torture him!" I smile and shake my head, trying to get the blood flowing again.

"Perfect." She smiles back at me, "This is why we're friends."

I laugh and jump on her bed right next to her. "Do you think I can do a backflip?"

She laughs "No, but I didn't think you could learn how to do a back handspring in about an hour either." I smile and jump through the air.

After Theo told us the plan, he asked me if I had any "special talents". When I couldn't think of a good answer, I decided I would just learn one.

I've always wanted to learn gymnastics, so I thought why not?

I landed the backflip and bowed as Barbara clapped. "Thank you, thank you!" I say as I giggle.

We both stop laughing when we hear a knock at the door. "Quinny, can I talk to you?" I hear Jerome say through the door.

"See ya!" I call back to Barbara as I run towards the door. "Bye Q." She replies with a smile.

I open the door and notice Jerome leaning against the wall. My smile grows as I jump into his arms.

"You ready for today, Quinny?" he asks me with a smile.

I nod "I just can't wait until after, when we can change out of these stupid outfits!"

He laughs "Yeah, these stripes aren't my cup of tea."

We were still in our Arkham uniform, Theo said we couldn't change until after the job was done. Black and white stripes covered the dress I wore.

"What did ya want to talk ta me about?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Nothing much, I just got bored. Those guys are such drags." He started walking down the huge hallway.

"Where ya goin?" I ask as I catch up to him.

"Theo Galavan told me where our room was. I wanna see it." He said with a grin.

"Our room?" I questioned. His grin grew into a wide smile as he opened a door.

"Well of course it's our room. Did you think I'd let you sleep alone when Mr. Flirty Galavan sleeps next door. No way." He kissed my forehead and plopped on the bed.

Theo started out flirting with Barbara, but when she went for Tabby instead, he turned to me. He's been flirting with me all day. I guess he doesn't realize I'm only 17. 

"Oo, comfy!" Jerome closed his eyes, smiling from ear to ear. I smile and hop next to him.

"Do you want the right or left side?" I ask while I test out the pillows. He sits up and grabs my waist, pulling me to him.

"I love you Quinny." He smiled then started kissing me. I didn't get why he was laughing, but I wasn't going to object to a kiss.

I heard the door creak open but I didn't open my eyes. I wasn't gonna let anyone distract me from Jerome.

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