Chapter 11 | Oh No

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Theo sent us on our next 'mission'. We had to wear these white straight jacket outfits. To go along with the crazy Maniax name.

We loaded up the oil truck and hit the roads. Aaron parked the car and we waited for the right victims to come long.

It took forever for the perfect group of people to pass, but once they did we were ready.

We all noticed the yellow bus as it drove by. I saw that the bus was filled with cheerleaders.

 "Yay Gotham!" Greenwood yelled.

The truck was small, so Dobkins and I had to hang on to the outside. 

Aaron started following the bus. But, we took a different turn so we could cut the bus off.

The bus came to a stop as we drove in front of it. We all grabbed our guns, hopping off of the truck.

Jerome skipped up to the bus door and knocked on it with his gun. I heard all of the girls screams as they noticed the weapons.

I went in after Jerome and handcuffed all the cheerleaders to their seats. No escaping.

One girl elbowed my stomach in an attempt to escape. I slammed her face against the seat in front of her.

She was busy crying which gave me time to handcuff her.

"Play nice." Jerome said as he observed the girl's bleeding nose.  "No promises." I smile and wink at him.

Jerome paced up and down the rows pointing his gun at everyone. I waited with Greenwood in the front of the bus.

"I need you to know that this was a very difficult decision for us." The girls cries were echoing through the bus.

"It was between you and a senior citizen bingo party. In the end we decided to skew a little younger." He explained.

"Youth won the day! Sorry." He was back in the front of the bus. "Give me an O!"

The cheerleaders just whimpered and cried. Jerome pointed his gun to the ceiling and shot. They all screamed, ducking.

"I said give me an O" He gave them an angry glare.


"Give me an N!" Jerome orders. I can't help but laugh at the fear on all their faces.


"Give me another O" Jerome's smile grows as he sees the oil hose being brought up to him.


"What's that spell?" Jerome grabs the hose, aiming it at the cheerleaders.

"Oh no!" Cheerleaders and Jerome say together. Jerome laughs while they scream and cry.

He sprays the row and goes to each person, covering them all with the oil. I hop out of the bus, still laughing at their screams.

Jerome follows close behind me with a smile on his face. He gets the lighter from his pocket.

"Ready? Okay!" Jerome mocks the cheerleaders as he bends down to light the lighter. Click,click. Click, click. It wasn't working.

"This is so embarrassing." Jerome shakes his head, tossing the lighter to the ground. He climbs back in the bus.

"Anyone got a light?" He asks the screaming cheerleaders.

"I do!" Dobkins replies and goes to hand Jerome the lighter but we get distracted by all the cop cars that pull up.

"Stand your ground guys. They can't shoot at a bus." Jerome orders. He gets in a stance, ready to shoot and we all follow.

We all start shooting. A couple of shots fire back. I hear a cop yelling "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!"

"Aaron, Greenwood! Get the truck started. We're gonna blow this barbeque." Jerome calls out.

"Harls! Help me shoot these coppers down!" I watch as he shoots and spins and shoots some more.

I shot at everything that moved, not wanting to miss a thing. I hear Jerome's gun clicking, no more bullets.

He drops the gun. "Light 'em up" Jerome instructed Dobkins.

"Get in Harls!" He orders, interrupting my shooting. I drop my gun and hop in the truck. Jerome grabs the hose and holds onto the outside of the truck.

Aaron drives us away, leaving Dobkins behind. I hear Jerome laughing as oil pours from the hose.

I look back and notice some flames at the door of the bus. A man climbs in the bus and drives it away from the fire. Dang it.

After that, we turn a corner so I don't see what happens to Dobkins or the bus of cheerleaders.

- - -

When we got back to Theo's, he was already waiting for us. "We didn't kill them. Sorry." I explain sadly.

"You weren't successful, but that's fine!" Theo said reassuring us.

"I already have your next job ready. You'll do it tonight. Come here." Theo had us gather around the table.

"Your next target is the GCPD." Theo said with a grin.

"Woah, woah. The GCPD?" Barbara interrupted as she walked into the room. "That's suicide."

"Everybody in the city knows about you, but we need everybody to fear you." Theo looked around the table at us.

"What better way to scare them than to take away the little protection they have!" Theo's grin grew into a full smile.

I smile too. Just thinking about all of Gotham being scared of me, made me so happy.

"Okay! So what's the plan?" I say as my smile grows.

He went on to explain every detail. Barbara was finally in on the plan. Her and Aaron were the distractions.

Greenwood, Jerome and I would dress up like cops and get into the GCPD. Then we shoot up the place while recording it!

He had a way to make the recording stream on the news. Theo went over every detail. Failing was not an option.

"Here are your uniforms. You'll leave once you're changed." Theo handed us three police uniforms.

We got dressed quickly. I place the hat on my head so it covers most of my face. Greenwood and Jerome do the same.

Once we got to the GCPD, Barbara was the first to get out. Her and Aaron's job had to come before ours.

We waited until Barbara left the GCPD with Detective Gordon following close behind her. Then it was our turn.  

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