Chapter 17 | Best Visitor

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About a week has gone by since I woke up from my coma. Me and my therapist, Dr. Quimby, have a very hate hate relationship.

Electroshock therapy is everyday. My brain is more fried than chicken! 

 I'm so bored. I didn't realize how fun Jerome made everything. But at least I get visitors.

My family came by twice, they didn't talk much. Then again neither did I, but I was muzzled.

 Dr. Quimbly says that I'm 'loud and disrespectful.' So he muzzles me everyday. I think he's just afraid I'll spill the beans on this place.

Today, Kay is here to visit me. Walking down the long hall to get to the meeting room is agonizing. I haven't seen Kay in years!

When I get into the room my eyes instantly land on her new appearance.

She was wearing makeup that makes her look pale, almost white. Her hair was black with bright red streaks.

I for one love the change. She is so spunky, she looks just about as crazy as I do.

Her smile is gigantic as I sit in the chair across from her. I figured she would have the same saddened look that my family gave me, but she seemed like she was in heaven.

"There's so much I have to tell you!" Kay blurts out. When she realizes I can't reply she keeps talking.

"I've missed you Harley! High school was insanely boring, so I dropped out. That's when I found them."

I give her a confused look. "They showed me the way. No! He showed me the way!"

"Who!" My voice is muffled and hard to understand but she somehow hears it.

"Jerome! You were so right about him. You don't know how bad I feel about telling you to leave him!"

Jerome? Is she actually talking about my Puddin?

"These people showed me the videos of the Maniax. Jerome was a genius."

I smile at the thought of Jerome. He really was a beautiful genius.

"Well, I can't stay long so I have to get to the point." She glares at the guard in the corner then looks back to me.

"We're trying to bring Jerome back to life. Dwight is positive he can do it in a few days." Kay whispers.

Jerome alive and breathing again! This is the best day of my life.

" Lots of the group wants to meet you. Dwight wants to get you out. He thinks you'll be helpful when Jerome is brought back."

I'll get Jerome back and I get out of this misery. Count me in!

"Dwight will be by later. You're getting out of here Quinny!"

With that she leaves. Hearing her call me Quinny brought back so many memories.

I get dragged out of the room and tossed back into my room. All alone, again.

Hours seem like years as I wait for this Dwight guy. Maybe Kay was just messing with me. If she was I'd kill her for giving me false hope!

My roommate walks into the room in a daze. She stares at me for awhile then gets really close to me.

She hands me a wrinkled piece of paper. When I flatten it out, I realize it's the blueprints to Arkham.

A ventilation system is circled in red pen. In the corner someone wrote 'Good Luck Harley. -D' Under it is an address.

Yahtzee!!!! I'm outta here!  

When night comes, the guards come around to make sure were all sleeping. This is when I have to make my move.

I arrange my pillows so it looks like I'm laying in bed. Then I make sure there's a riot before lights out.

This will distract the guards long enough for me to hide. By the time they have to check rooms, they will be exhausted and lazy.

So far my plan has worked. I'm in the main room for the inmates. According to the blueprints, if I can get into this vent, I'll have my access to freedom.

Easy peesy! I slide into the vent silently and effortlessly. My eyes stayed glued to the blueprints, one wrong move and I'm doomed.

The perfect fresh air hits me. Cold night wind blows the hair out of my face. I'm free. Finally!

I look back at the red ink. I memorize the address and let the wind take the note far away. 4971 Milton Lane. 

The night hides me from prying eyes. I duck away from people and hide from cars. Sneaking around is pretty fun!

Found it!! My knock echoes through the house. A man answers the door and smiles mischievously.

Quickly, he shoves me into his house. I laugh under my breath thinking about kindergarten when 'stranger danger' was my life motto. 

I wander into his house, touching everything. "Gee. You got lots of stuff." 

The man walks over and takes the vase I was holding from my hand. He leads me to a dirty couch, pushing me down to sit.

"Wait here." He walks away and disappears behind a door. "Don't touch anything!" He yells from the room.

I immediately drop what I was holding. Just pretend I didn't touch it.

A couple minutes pass and he is still in that room. He's taking too long, I'm bored.

I go into the room he was in, leaning against the door frame. "So. When am I getting my Puddin back?" 

He jumps half a mile. "I told you to wait in there." His angry glare isn't very intimidating.

"Oops. When are bringing Jerome back?" 

He sighs loudly. "Soon. Now go back-"

"How soon. Tonight? Tomorrow? A week? When??" 

I'm annoying him. But he needs to answer my questions. I need my Jerome and I need him now.

A smile spreads across his face. "Tomorrow. Jerome will be reborn tomorrow."

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