Chapter One

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(Y/n)'s View:

I looked out the car window, I couldn't believe my parents wanted to go to the stupid place. To add onto the worse case scenario, now I lived here. I gazed deeply into my thoughts and tried to think of something, ANYTHING to try and not suffer for my own fate. So, I decided to peak out the window. I saw thickets of grim trees and brushes stretch all around the unseen grounds. I wanted to think this was a dream, I fought off a fit of over-stressed nausea... I was so scared to know that any hope of seeing my old friends were lost. I looked up from the tall trees to see a night sky sparkle with millions of stars, also a pretty crest moon stood next and between the stars. It calmed me down a bit. After a little while more of night gazing. I heard my mother say.

" (Y/n)! we're here sweetie!" She almost sang that.

I shrugged it off a little, I then saw that sign come into eyesight. " Welcome to Reverse Falls!" I sighed and lied down, taking both of the back car seats. I let my eyelids drop over my eyes. I tried to nap for a few more minutes. After seconds what I thought would be a nap... I instead fell into a deep slumber...

(Inside Y/n's dream)

I was in a pitch black space, floating around. I had no idea what was going on, it felt like swimming honestly. I out of the blue I heard.... Sniffles? Crying?! A thin blue light shined onto what seemed to be like a boy. His hands in his face, sobbing. He wore a Jett Black tail coat, with some outlines of light blue tracing to look like bricks on the ends. Along with a snow white dress shirt, and for his pants. They were long black dress pants and black shoes to match. From the looks of him, he looked about my age.

" Who is this kid?" I thought, " He is really cute though, won't lie about that"

Suddenly, I saw him turn around. I flinched at his sudden action, his eyes were a beautiful blue. His right eye was covered by a triangle eyepatch and his light blue bangs covering the eye patch so slightly. All of his hair was the same blue as his bangs! And what looked like a birthmark, had a eye on his forehead. When he saw me, he started blushing. But not long after, everything went completely ash black. I panicked, desperately swimming around. I didn't know where I was going, my (H/l) (H/c) whipped around every time to turned. Nothing.... There was nothing but black.....

" AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed loudly.

(Snapping out of Y/n's dream)

I gasped heavily, I swung my head off of what seemed to be my bed. I looked around the (R/c) room I apparently was in, all my things were already set up. My dresser, my old photos of my friends, sketch books, everything.

Was I asleep for that long? Damn..."  I tired to forget what I just woke up from. But, it was still stuck in my head. Sweeping the blankets off me, I saw I was wearing (F/c) night gown with the (F/c) roses on it. I felt my cheeks tint a soft pink, thinking of my parents dressing me in my favorite PJ's. I couldn't tell if I should be proud to have such nice parents, or if I should be embarrassed about them seeing me naked in order to put on my PJ's. I then turned to the window sitting above my bed, I saw it was Daylight. Birds chirped happily, as the soft breezes were setting into the picture outside my window. I prayed that I would fit into this nice looking town. I hopped off the bed and went towards the kitchen. I smelled the yummy taste of pancakes and bacon. I trampled down the stairs to find my mom cooking and dad eating away all the breakfast. I hurried over to try and get myself some of the delicious food before it disappeared out of my eyes.

" Morning Sweetie! How was your sleep last night?" Asked my mom cheerfully, flipping a pancake, nearly missing the trick flip back onto the grilling pan.

" It was nice mum...." I replied, grabbing a plate, and started to place a pancake onto my plate. Once I started to finish my grabbing of the remaining food. I sat down and started to eat my fill. I still couldn't believe I had that dream! Who was that guy? Why was his face fading out of my mind? I just wanted to eat right now. I munched down my breakfast, trying to dust off the dream from my swimming thoughts about it.

Will Cipher's View:

My eye's slowly opening, I woke up to see myself in the same old bed. I got up, trying to resist the repeating pain from my scars from last night's punishment. I looked around my so called " Bedroom" so much for calling it that, it was more like a prison. I stood to my feet and wobbled a little, slamming myself accidentally into the cold wall. I looked at my history of previous punishments, my blood, smeared onto my walls. I didn't want to try and recall any of them, knowing I'm going to cry again. I heard my door opening, my heart raced as the sound was intimidating. I saw at the frame of the steel door... It was Dipper, he had his aqua vest and black dress pants all put together. I stared at him with fear.

" Will, you damn idiot! You're late for getting breakfast ready! By five minutes! What's you're excuse this time?" Dipper glared at me, with his black aura surrounding me.

" D-Dipper! I-I-I'm so s-sorry! I-I promise I w-won't be late n-n-next time!" I stuttered. Mable then walked into the room, standing next to Dipper. She didn't looked pleased. She gave me the same glare Dipper gave me. Mable then walked over the wall where dozens of knifes, whips, and even swords hung. She grabbed a long, shiny katana, looked at it and smiled evilly. Then turned back towards me. My blood drained from my face, as I looked into Mable's deep brown eyes. " N-No! P-Please! I-I-I swear I w-won't b-be l-l-late a-again!" I begged helplessly. I looked into the twins eyes, they both showed no mercy. Mable got ready for the first hit at me, her arms went up with the katana held tightly. Then a hard thwack hit into my thigh. Blood poured into a small puddle. It...It hurted so badly, I cried as a couple more sharp hits went into me. Then, they stopped.

" Will, If your late for one more time.... You won't be so lucky." Dipper called to me, as he led Mable out of my room. He slammed my prison door shut, so hard it slightly startled me. I weakly got up, looking at my new additional scars on my body. I sighed, then I started to tear up. I curled myself into a ball, the only highlight of today was that strange dream.... I blushed and couldn't help but grin, thinking what she thought about me... Her (H/l) ( H/c), oh.... and those beautifully wonderful (E/c) eyes. These thoughts touched me.... I smiled and wiped my salty tears away. Then went upstairs to see an impatient Dipper and Mable.

" (Y/n)...." I trailed off after her name.

A/N: Hey Guys! It's Me! JanisReader! I really hope you guys enjoyed this first part of the chapter, it honestly looked good when I read it over. I'll be making more chapters in the future! But for now, enjoy this first chapter. I'm giving you guys a chart for you to look over.... in case you got confused anyhow about this. I'm leaving a chart under here that'll explain to you! 

(Y/n)= Your Name

(H/l)= Hair Length

(H/c)= Hair Color

(F/c)= Favorite Color

(E/c)= Eye Color

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now