Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Dr Lane turned and faced me her eyes widening slightly when she saw who it was. "Ms Michaels." She gave me tight smile. "What are you doing here?"

"What I'm I doing here? What are you doing here?" I asked her, didn't Dr Montgomery say she was taking a couple of months off?

"Excuse me, I have patients I need to see." She told me instead of answering my question she tried to walk past me but I blocked her way.

"Yeah, like me. You're obviously not taking time off. Why aren't you my doctor?"

She looked at me for a few seconds before looking around at the people walking past us. "That is something for you to discuss with your husband, boyfriend, whatever he is to you."

"Gabriel? What does he have to do with this?" I frowned in confusion. "Wait, that doesn't even matter. Why did you pass me on to some other doctor?"

She sighed and pulled me to a corner. "Look Nina, I cannot help you. It was not my choice."

"Then whose choice was it?"

"I did was I was told to do." She said looking away from me.

"What are you talking about? Why won't you just tell me?" I groaned in frustration. "Dr Lane, please."

Dr Lane sighed and ran her hand through her short black hair. "I was told by a hospital commissioner that a new doctor was being transferred here and she would see to a patient, you. It was made very clear that if I want to keep my job I cannot ask questions."

I shook my head trying to make sense of this. "She-she's only my doctor? No one else's?"

Dr Lane nodded.

"I don't understand." I whispered, why would she come here just for me?

"Neither do I." She sighed before glancing at her watch. "I'm sorry Nina, I need to go."

"So that's it? You didn't bother asking? You're my doctor!" I yelled as she walked away from me.

Dr Lane glanced at nurse who stopped when she heard me shout and waved her off before turning back to me. "I have only been working here for two year, I am a single mother of two. I need this job. Please do not ruin this for me. I cannot afford to lose this job."

"I-I erm-"

"If you have problems or concerns about the doctor you have, file a complaint. But I cannot help you, I'm sorry." She muttered before walking away.

I watched her go as I tried to process what she had just told me. This doesn't make sense, none of what she said made any sense. Still thinking over what she told me I walked back to the exit of the hospital.

"What took you so long?" Gabriel asked as soon as he saw me.

I looked at him and blinked rapidly. Didn't Dr Lane say to ask Gabriel about this? Did he do this?

"I got lost looking for the toilet." I muttered heading for his car before he could say anything else.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked me as we got in the car.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking about earlier."

Gabriel nodded and started the car. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dr Lane said. Why would Dr Montgomery transfer over to this hospital and only have me as her patient? Can she even do that? Even if she could, why would she?

"Nina, we're here." Gabriel announced making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh, right. Thanks for the lift." I muttered opening the car door.

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