One Month Later Chapter 19

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~~~~~Your P.O.V~~~~~

As Laito walked away I smiled I'm happy I said yes I'm just nervous what would happen if there father found out? I tried to not think of it. I decided since school is tonight I was going to take a shower and see if there is any work I need to finish.

While I walked back to the manor I decided I wasn't going to tell Yui what happened I'm going to wait for this to die down before I decide to.

(Y/N):"Hunh wonder what that yelling is? Probably nothing"

=====1 Month Later=====

The past month has been pretty hectic Yui and Ayato's wedding is tomorrow; Yui has been planning everything Ayato helped a bit but really suggested things he wanted to eat, and then distracted Yui which she is used to by now.

(Yui):"Hey Y/N could you help me bring those boxes in?"

(Y/N):"Yeah of course"


The wedding is going to be very small just the brothers and their father who I'm not ready to see again. Laito and I are together and keeping this a secret is getting pretty hard; the days where Karlheinz comes to check up on Yui and Ayato he looks at me and Laito and just smiles, it makes me uncomfortable. 

(Y/N):"Hey Yui where do you want these boxes?"

(Yui):"Just put them at the front of the church"

(L):"Need some help with that" He whispered into my ear

Grabbing me from behind and making me blush still didn't cover up the fact that he scared me nearly making me drop the box I was holding.

(Y/N):"Seriously!" I said jokingly

(L):"I was asking a question but you didn't answer"

(Y/N):"Oh right yeah would you mind taking these to the front of the church by the podium"

He grabbed three boxes no problem, man I sometimes forget he has supernatural strength it surprises me every time.

(L):"Anything else? Or can we go to our room"

(Y/N):"You can go to the room; Yui still needs me to help her"

(L):"But I want to be alone with you this has taken up so much time"

(Y/N):"Yeah I know but to make it up to you I'm all yours later"

(L):"Fine guess I'll just have to show you the thing later"

(Y/N):"The thing? What did you do?"

(L):"You'll see, see you later"

He walked away and waved his hand; that boy is probably going to be the death of me one day

=====Couple of Hours Later=====

Yui and I were finally done with all the last minute things; both exhausted we decided to go sit in the garden and relax for a bit.

(Yui):"Is this really happening?"

(Y/N):"You getting married to Ayato?"

(Yui):"Yeah it happened so quickly it feels like me and him just started dating yesterday"

(Y/N):"You nervous?"

(Yui):"Of course! But I can't wait"

(Y/N):"That's awesome Yui I'm so happy for you"

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