Yes or No? Chapter 13

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(Y/N): "Of course I will help you"

(Yui): "Thanks Y/N you're a great friend"

I looked at her and nodded maybe I should say yes but maybe I should say no what if he is toying with me again or maybe I am just scared of trusting him I don't know I have a little while to think maybe after I help Yui I will go get some air to help clear my head.

As Yui moved her last few things in Ayato's room she seemed happy it was nice to see I hope things go well for them but looking at them started to make me think about Laito would he be like that? Does he really want me? Should I just leave the manor? All these questions were spinning threw my head I only snapped out of them because I bumped into Laito.

(L):"Well look who it is the girl I wanted to see"

(Y/N):"Oh sorry Laito I didn't see you there"

(L):"Well now that were together want to come for a walk with me? It's a nice day out"

(Y/N):"Um sure that sounds nice"

(L):"So what were you thinking about?"

(Y/N):"Just Yui and how her and Ayato are going to be together"

(L):"Have you thought about us at all?"

(Y/N):" What?!"

(L):"I meant the question I asked you what were you thinking of?"


I didn't want to tell him what I was thinking I didn't want him to know what I was feeling because what if I say something that could hurt him or wait can he even get his feeling hurt he's a vampire of course he can't well actually I don't know.

As we were walking threw the garden Laito wanted to go to the gazebo he seemed to like it there I don't blame him it was a very nice place just to sit for a little while or talk.


(L):"Yes Y/N"

(Y/N):"Do you remember the first time we were here together you said something to me"

(L):"I think I remember what I said"

===Flashback to Chapter 6===

(L): "Well well Y/N, You were so sweet I want more but I'm going to save it for later" He just looked at me grinning.

(Y/N):" L- Laito why did you kiss me?"

(L): "Why else? I wanted to get your blood pumping the best way I knew how"

===End of Flashback to Chapter 6===

(L):"Oh right what about it?"

(Y/N):"It's just is that the only reason you "love" me?"

(L):"What do you mean?"

(Y/N):"Do you only like me and tell me all the things you have to just get my blood flowing or just to get a rise out of me actually falling for you?"

(L):"Your falling for me?"

(Y/N):"Laito can you just answer my question"

(L):"I don't say those things to get you excited I say those things because I mean them"

The way he looked at me when he said that was unforgettable his eyes looked at me softly and he also looked sad maybe I jumped to conclusions thinking he didn't care but how was I supposed to know I just thought he was a play boy but I was wrong he actually does care.

(Y/N):"Laito It's only been a few days that I've been here how can you feel that way already?"

(L):"How can I? I can because the minute I met you I knew you were different and I wanted to learn more about you and I just wanted to spend my time with you doing anything"

(Y/N):"Laito I just I don't know if I should trust you or if I should even be falling for you"

(L):"Then let me prove it to you"

(Y/N):"Laito I don't-"



(L):"Now I have a question"

(Y/N):"And that would be?"

(L):"Yes or No"


(L):"Yes really so what's your answer?"
(Y/N):"I thought I had till tonight?"

(L):"I changed my mind now yes or no"

If I say yes he could prove himself to me but I say no everything we just talked about could make things awkward for us if I just reject him I think I know my answer.

(Y/N):"You really couldn't wait could you"

(L):"Nope now-"


(L):"Really? Oh my now this is going to be fun"

(Y/N):"Yeah maybe it will be"

He just sat there smiling at me maybe this is going to be fun will just have to see where it goes I'm nervous but maybe this is the best way for us to see if what we are feeling is true and for him to prove it to me is doing this.

(Y/N):"Um hey I'm going to go get ready for school I know it's in a while but rather be ready and have my work done then rushing at the last minute"

(L):"I guess I can let you go but be quick with getting ready"

(Y/N):"No promises"

(L):"Ok Y/N see you soon"

He then got up a hugged me I hugged him back I think things are going to be interesting for sure as I looked up at him he kissed my head then sent me on my way I thought he was coming with me but he wanted to sit for a little while longer he is probably planning something guess I will just have to wait and see.


A/N: Hey my lovely readers I'm sorry about the wait but I hope you enjoy this chapter.I have decided to start adding more choices in the chapters to come that way I can really have you guys included in the story and the books to come. For now this is all love you guys so much thank you for waiting.

Love~ Savannah (づ ᗒ ω ᗕ )づ

Love (Laito Sakamaki X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora