It's Bedtime Chapter 10

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(Y/N)):"One night that's all you get" I hesitated but too late now.

(L):"You won't regret it" He just smiled then got up off the bed and walked over to me picking up my sweater.

(L):"Don't want to be cold now do we?" He gave it to me then whispered in my ear before leaving

(L):"Were going to have so much fun tonight see you soon" He then walked out of the room I think I just made the worst deal ever!

After that I laid on my bed hoping time would stop hoping that tonight wouldn't come any time soon. I couldn't believe I actually agreed to him sleeping here I felt so stupid but there is no turning back now I hope Yui isn't going to be mad.

=====Time Skip to When They Get Home=====

It finally came the time where I had to tell Yui it didn't help that Ayato was in a cocky mood tonight.

(L): "Excited to tell her our plans?"

(Y/N): "No"

(L): "Why not? You not excited like I am?" Is that even a question?

(L): "Well better think quick because here Yui comes"

(Y/N): "Wait What!"

(Yui): "Hey Y/N you ok?" I felt so nervous

(L): "Yes Y/N you ok?" and then rage

(Y/N): "Laito go away"

(L):"Very well you ladies enjoy your talk" He smiled and walked away waving his hand

(Yui):"What was that about?" Y/N what's going on?"

(Y/N):" I kind of made a deal with Laito" Oh god I'm so nervous

(Yui):"Oh no! What did he trick you into?"

(Y/N):"Letting him sleep with me tonight and you sleeping with Ayato"

(A):" That plan sounds good to me how about you Pancake?" Yui and I both jump then Yui whispers in my ear

(Yui): "You know how I feel about him" now I felt worse

(Y/N): "I promise I will make it up to you somehow"

(Yui):"We will talk about this later" I nodded

(A): "Well if you ladies are done talking Yui and I have some places to be"

As he wrapped his arm around her I mouthed the words "sorry" she just smiled at me and mouthed "you owe me" I smiled and walked up to the room to get ready. A little while passed Yui walked in the room grabbing her pajamas and gave me the homework I missed from school I decided to do it to take my mind off things.

=====It's Time=====

I was getting tired but every time I thought about Laito and going to bed I would just get nervous and wake right back up I decided there was no point of fighting it anymore it was going to happen sooner or later so I chose sooner. I got up from the desk and put on my pajamas (F/C Shirt and black PJ Shorts) and brushed my teeth. After that I packed the work I finished into my backpack when I felt someone behind me.

(L):"Hello Y/N"

(L):"Ready for bed or can we have a snack before we sleep?" He whispered in my ear before grabbing me from behind and turning me around to face him

(L):"Aww what is this are you blushing Y/N?" He then picked me up again smiling a huge grin and carried me over to the bed this time not throwing me but holding me the whole time

(Y/N):"D-didn't you get your fill earlier" I was nervous around him I don't know why but something about him made me feel some way I didn't know how to describe what I was feeling

(L):"A little more never hurt besides it's a full moon we vampires get thirstier during full moons" He just smiled

(L):"Don't want to make me starve to death now do we?" I wasn't against it but I decided not to say anything

(L):"Were going to have so much fun tonight"

He then started kissing me again but only with passion it wasn't rough or forced he was being sweet about it and it actually felt nice. Eventually he started moving from my lips down to my neck not biting to drink but I think just to play it made me smile but there were sometimes he would bite just for the purpose of drinking.

(L):"Let's try somewhere different" He just smiled then moved down the bed getting close to my legs

(L):"Let's try here" His smile was so big and so sweet but I could see the lust and hunger in his eyes.

I watched him as he moved down he then grabbed my leg and started kissing down till my thigh all of the sudden he stopped looked at me from the corner of his eye then bit down on my leg the pain was so much more than the neck I couldn't move. He continued to bite down along my leg till he was happy with what he did then he moved back up to me grabbed my waist and kissed me again the blood still on his lips. Finally we released from each other.

(L):"Wasn't that fun?" He just hovered over me and looked into my eyes

(Y/N): "Probably for you but not for me"

(L): "Oh come on you enjoyed it" I started to smile 

(L):"See you enjoyed it don't deny it Y/N"

(Y/N): "I don't know what you're talking about now if you don't mind I would like to go to bed now so off" He smiled and kissed me one more time I'm sure I was blushing

(L): "Fine I guess you can do that"

He rolled over to the side and got comfortable I got up and turned on the lamp beside me then turned off the main light in the room then got comfortable as well.

(Y/N): "Night Laito" I turned off the light

(L):"Night Y/N" 

As I closed my eyes I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me close then I felt him nuzzle his head in my back and felt his breathing slow down I smiled and fell asleep maybe it wasn't such a bad night after all.


A/N: Hey my lovely readers! What's going on? Are you falling for Laito? We shall see. Tell me how you want the next chapter to be or what you want me to do continuing on. Love you guys.

~ Savannah (ᗒ ω ᗕ )

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