New Normal Chapter 3

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We both turn to each other and start laughing "This is going to fun" I said then Yui turned to me and said "Not as much as you think this is just the start" I looked at her she seemed serious I just nodded and said "As long as we have each other then we can face anything" Yui just smiled then started helping me settle in.

=====Couple Hours Later=====

It  was about an hour till school Yui and I were getting bored just sitting in our room so we decided to sneak down to the kitchen and grab some sweets then head out to the garden for a little picnic. As we were grabbing the snacks Kanato and teddy surprised us "Look teddy there taking our sweets without asking and we know what happens when they take our sweets" when Kanato said that my heart stopped I looked over to Yui who seemed shocked as well but tried playing it cool "We are sorry Kanato we didn't know these were your sweets we will put them back" he just started to laugh then he got closer to Yui and I and said "You can let me drink your blood as an apology" Yui stepped back I just stood there frozen then he said something that had me in shock "Lets start with you first".

As I stood there frozen he started to walk closer to me Yui then decided to cut in front of me stopping him in his tracks  "whats this you want me to drink your blood instead of the new girls how cute, I knew you were a whore" at that moment Kanato grabbed Yui and pushed her against the counter I could see she was scarred she then mouthed to me "GO!" but before I could Kanato pulled me back and said "Your not going anywhere you need to watch and learn for when its your turn" then started laughing again while turning back to Yui.

He then started to kiss Yui while gripping her tightly I could see her flinch when he tightened his grip on her; he then moved one of his hands to her shoulder then started pulling down the sleeve exposing her neck. He then released from her lips then moved his head towards her neck he then mumbled something "smells so sweet and feels so hot" I couldn't help but feel nervous. After a second of me zoning out I see Kanato lick Yui's neck then open his mouth and then he bit her.

After about a minute of Kanato drinking I could see Yui was becoming weak and I could see she was struggling but Kanato had a hold of her wrists even though he seems very skinny he is very strong and scary.  Yui looked like she was about to fall over now but I knew I couldn't stop him. Eventually he finally released, blood was dripping of his chin and he had a smile on his face the minute he released from Yui I rushed over to her and tried to hold her up she had a bit of balance left. Then Kanato said "Its a shame I am full I was hoping to taste you next" he then grabs teddy and walks out the kitchen. I look at Yui she seemed weak I remember there was juice in the fridge so I sat her down on a chair and got her some "Thank you" she sounded shaky. 

After she had a bit of time to rest and relax we noticed the time and realized we have school in 10 minutes so I ran upstairs grabbed our bags then we headed for the limo.

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