Chapter 18

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It’s been a month since I’ve last spoke to my best friends and it’s getting lonely. It’s lunchtime so I was sitting at the end of the cafeteria because no one ever comes near here unless they’re loners; which I currently am.

 I was staring at Rebecca and Jane practically shoving food at each others mouths. Not in a cute way but in a very vicious way, if I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought that they were force feeding each other. A twinge of jealousy hit me, I have no one to laugh with or shove food in their mouths to and I miss them so much. The thing is, I don’t remember why I even stopped talking to them in the first place. Only thing I remember is the need to be alone and they were blocking that need.

 I repeatedly stabbed my lunch in self-pity. Why am I such an idiot? I resisted the urge to take the pack out of my backpack and smoke it then and there.

 “You know, killing your salad won’t make you any thinner” None other than Ronald prodded at me

 “It won’t? Then why don’t I try killing you then?” I said in a sickly sweet tone

 “Nah, you’re probably gonna stab your flab before you can land a hit on me” he snorted

 I grabbed him by the arm and landed a soft punch to his cheeks “How does that feel, McDonald?”

 He slapped me lightly “Like OMG! Can you not do that?” I cringed at his poor attempt at a girly shriek. In fairness, he does have a higher pitch than me

 “Are you kidding me? Can you go away?”

 “Nah, Kurt is absent so I have no one to hang out with but you” He emphasized the last part as if he was disgusted at the thought of being with me for a long period of time

 “Well gee, I certainly feel loved” I rolled my eyes and scooted over a little to make room for him. You should probably know that this was probably the dirtiest table in our whole school so I cleaned a little part of it so I can sit on it.

 “Why are you sitting here of all places anyway? Seriously, this table is only fit for pigs” he scrunched his nose in disgust.  I ignored and proceeded to stuff myself

 “Oh right you’re a pig” He snickered, which earned him a full-on slap. He howled in pain, “Can’t you be a little be nicer?”

 “Treat me the way you want to be treated” I shrugged and looked at his swollen cheeks

 “I don’t hit you!” he rubbed his cheeks

 “You hurt me verbally and I hurt you physically” He glared at me

 “Be thankful you are a girl or else I would’ve punched back” he threatened

 “Why would me being a girl stop you? You punch like one anyway” I snickered at my own words.

 “Yeah? Well yo-“He got cut off when someone coughed

 “You guys are kind of causing a scene here so can you tone it down?” The School president sad and smiled at us warmly.

 “We’re sorry” we both said. I glared at our audience, I was inches away from screaming that they mind they’re own business

 “No need to be sorry, just be quiet with your Lovers Quarrel yeah?” The President told us and shifted her eyes from me to Ronald

 “OH HELL NO. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER” We both screamed in unison “O-oh? You’re not? My deepest apologies. Just be quiet” she stuttered and ran off nervously

 I can’t believe that people would think that me and that mouse would ever get together. How about over my dead body?

 “Me? With you? Most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard, more disgusting than this sad excuse of a lunch table” he remarked

 I glared at him not wanting to cause another scene, and be mistaken as his lover.

 “Not gonna talk to me huh? Totally fine with me”  he huffed and sat beside me. He stared at the other end of the table

 “What exactly are you doing?” I asked him.

 “Not talking to you” he huffed

 “Okay then, just so you know you look like a lunatic” I said and shoved salad in my mouth

 He ignored me and kept staring at the end of the table and I kept shoving food in my mouth. We remained like that for the rest of lunch

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