Chapter 6

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Oh my god, this is like hell on earth. How is this normal exactly?

"Hey Anne?" I turned to my side. As usual she was glued to her freaking phone. So much for not being a third-wheel huh?

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for her and Jarred is a nice guy from what I've seen.

I turned to my other side and saw the seat beside me was empty. Great, I have no one to talk to.

I pulled ,you guessed it, my earphones out and plugged them in. Before you judge me, our professor was absent so we could do whatever we want

For God knows how long, the bell finally rang and unfortunately for me. I don't know where the fuck I'm gonna go. This school should be sued for being too big.

I turned to Anna.......who was no longer there. Great.

"Fuuuuuck" I exclaimed, but luckily for me I saw Rebecca walking alone.

"Hey Bec!" I jumped on her back

"Aaaargh. Lily!!" She exclaimed and we both fell.

"Why?" She screamed at me,I just smiled at her in response

"Where do we go next?" I asked as I picked myself up from the floor.

"Music room, I think?" she answered while groaning and rubbing her back.

"Oooh,great. Music, oh look we're late" I said, voice practically dripping with sarcasm "Woah,we actually are."

Rebecca looked at me wide-eyed. "Then what the heck are we standing here for?!" she screamed. Have I mentioned that she was a goody-two shoes?

"Technically you're on the floor"

"Just shut up and help me will you?" she said, glaring daggers at me. People really like glaring at me.

I helped her up and we both ran as fast as we could. "Do you even know where the room is?" I asked, out of breath.

"3rd floor, second room to the left next to the lavatory" she answered. Damn, how did she memorize all of that?

We ran and ran until we reached the god forsaken room. Both of us were panting and sweating like pigs when we entered. "Sorry we're late"

"Out!" The Teacher yelled at us.

"But why?" I asked, clutching my chest.

"I don't tolerate tardiness" she stated and tilted her chin at us. Bitch.

We stared at her in disbelief. "Out!" she commanded once again.

Rebecca and I looked at each other but backed out of the room anyway. it's not like we had much of a choice

"Well she seemed like a total bitch" I said.

"You think?" She rolled her eyes at me and sighed.

I chuckled and started fixing my shirt collar. "Let's go to the library" I offered

"Finally. something good coming out of your mouth." she snarled

I glared at her and she laughed. "lead the way,you poophead."

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