Chapter 17

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Finally, something is actually going my way for once. Thankfully the new girl didn’t bother me at all. She seems to be avoiding me for some reason, not that I’m complaining. One thing is bothering me though; she keeps hanging out with the class bitches. I may not know her but I don’t want their group to expand like seriously

 The other is, I’m jealous. She has someone to hang out with on her first day yet I’ve been here for like 5 months now with no one to talk to with the exception of Ronald but come on. It’s Ronald

 I washed down the bad aftertaste of Ronald’s face out of my mind by blasting music yet again. I’d surgically attach these earphones to my ears soon enough, like they’re  on me 24/7.

 “Lilly, what’s with the face?” Harry asked, snapping me out of my trance.

 “What? Why?”  I asked

 “You look like you’re ready to kill someone” he backed away a little

 “Excuse me? That is my neutral face” I spat.

 “Sorry Sorry!” he muttered

 “Nah, I’m just fucking with you. I get that a lot”  I slapped him in the arm in a joking manner

 He chuckled nervously and scooted even more away from me.

 I’m deprived of human contact aside from my family and Ronald so I’m sort of awkward nowadays.

 “Miss Hurley and Mister Haynes, Is there something you would like to share to the class?” Our Chemistry teacher stood in front of us.

 “Nothing, Sir Mark” I muttered, bowing my head while Harry just nervously shook his head.

 If it isn’t so important then why are you two not listening to our lesson” Sir Mark asked. Did I mention that he is the most pain in the ass professor ever?

 Not in the mood to get in trouble I just stared at my professor blankly.

 “Well?” he kept trying to get an answer from me

 Meanwhile Harry was having a mini spasm attack beside me. Goody  two-shoes

 “If you don’t answer me miss Hurley. I have no choice but to send you to the Principals” Sir Mark threatened

 “So? Whether I answer or not I’m still going to be sent to the office. Might as well keep mum about it than embarrass ourselves

 The class erupted into a frenzy of oo’s and shock.

 Much to my surprise, Our professor just smiled at me and said “You have a point. I’ll let this one slide for now” and he went up to the front of the class “Okay, enough of that! Everyone get back to your experiments”

And just like that, everyone acted like nothing happened. Except for Harry who was still having a nervous breakdown beside me, told you it would never be boring here.

[[ I don’t know how many times I have broken the fourth wall and I am so sorry for that. :P I will be updating more often now too]]

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