Chapter 3

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Two hours of staring into space and waiting agonizingly. Recess finally arrived at long last. On the Brightside, I made a new friend. Coincidentally she was Chrissy’s cousin’s old classmate. 

“Sooo Rebecca. Find anyone you fancy?” I prodded at her. Chrissy really liked this guy named Aaron, I mean c’mon he looked like a freaking horse for crying out loud. Aaaand for me, well I like no one…….yet. How about Jeffrey?

….You know what? I’m starting to really despise my own subconscious. What is about him anyway? He ain’t that cute. “Oho, but you think he is. Just a little” my subconscious piped

“Are you traitoring me?! You’re supposed to be my subconscious” I internally screamed

“I am. You’re just being a little bitch” I have now officialy dubbed myself as insane.

Someone slapped me on the arm. “Ow! Hey! Why?!” I exclaimed, rubbing the sore spot. That actually really hurt

“Are you even listening?” Chrissy and Rebecca we’re both looking at me.

“Uuuuh. Sorry, I zoned out a little. What was it again?” Both of them sighed

“So there’s this guy Becca really likes but he’s two years older” I looked at Rebecca quizzically

“So what? Age doesn’t matter and I’m pretty sure that’s legal” I said enthusiastically

“Yeah, but when I go to Year 10 he won’t be here anymore and I’m not sure if I can handle Long Distance. I mean it hurts..right?” she said. I winced at the ‘Long Distance’. My last relationship ended like that

“Don’t be scared,Bec. If you guys really do love each other and are meant for one another then one way or another. You will still be with each other. It’s gonna be worth it in the end” I admit that I’m not the best expert advice giver but hey I try.

“Thanks,Lil but we’re not even together yet” Well shit. It’s too obvious that I wasn’t listening.

“Oh you know just in case” I chuckled nervously. To my surprise they both laughed with me

After  that, the day was pretty much boring. We haven’t even met our other subject teachers yet. I slammed my head on Chrissy’s shoulders. “Ow! Lily!” she exclaimed rubbing her sore spot.

“it’s sooooo boring. Besides  this is my revenge of you hitting me” I whined

“Oh shush it, there’s only like 20 minutes left of class”

“That;s 20 minutes too long!” I puffed. She just stared at me blankly and went back to texting someone on her phone. This, to me, is very odd since she was not a huge fan of texting. A certain bubbly and somewhat annoying guy that goes by the name “Jarred” came to mind. Great just great, it’s the first day and she already has a potential boyfriend, singledom here I come. I sighed and went back to sleep

Well that didn’t work out at all. Grumbling, I decided to re-arrange the inside of my backpack which frankly contains nothing. I picked up my favorite novel “Running Scared” after fixing my non-existent things. Honestly, aside from music, books are my only escape from reality. What seemed like a minute, the bell finally rang at long last “Hey Chris-“She’s gone? Well fuck. I have a huge feeling she’s with Jarred. Oh Jeebez, It’s hasn’t even been a day. Puppy Love much? I sighed, noticed how I’ve been sighing all day? Just when I was about to exit the classroom I received a text from Chrissy

Chrissy: “Lil! Im hngning out wid jarred. Wnna join? :D “

 I cringed. I’m not used to that type of texting/typing.

Me: “No thanks. I don’t fancy being a third wheel today” I texted back

Chrissy: “Dt wsnt a request. It’s a cmand bsides his bestf is hir”

Me:  “Fine. Where are you?” I gave in, not wanting to deal with her horrid texting any longer. Knowing Chrissy she would flood me

Chrissy:   “Lobby. Center 1”

Pocketing my phone, I started my journey to the Lobby, where ever that is. After a few I finally fund them “Hey! You’re FINALLY here” Chrissy exclaimed,slinging her arms around my shoulders. I made a tsk-ing sound and shrugged her hands off of me. “So where’s this so called bestfriend huh?”

“He’s here! Well not here now but he was. He just bought some drinks.”

“I’m not crazy ya know” Jarred muttered from behind Chrissy.

I laughed at that and sat down at the bench in front of Jarred. “Okay okay. Anyway how’s the both of you” I winked at them and Chrissy glared at me and Jarred just laughed nervously. “Well,that really depends on what Anna decides” he stated bashfully. Okay, whoa whoa WOAH. This idiot actually took me seriously? “I haven’t even specified yet” I stated looking at them back and forth. Well this is a development 

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