Chapter 8

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I flopped on my bed as soon as I got home and I screamed on my pillow in frustration. Why me? Why him? I have a feeling I am God's personal comedy act or something

My high school life was NEARLY normal if it weren't for him. Yes, I still refuse to acknowledge his name. He shall now be called or life-ruiner.

I admit I have a tiny-spec like crush on him

I think he does too......wait nope no no. Lily stop, don't get your hopes up. You've been through this before, you know how much it hurts.

I paced back and forth. You know what? FUCK HIM, not literally though. "You would if you can"I slapped myself. Damn my subconscious and her huge-ass crush on him

"We're literally the same person so you do too" she said once again. Oh god, have I gone crazy? I picked up my phone and called Rebecca. She may be a little crazy but she's probably the only one who who brings me back to reality and sanity even though some may think I'm long gone lost in the abyss of insanity and I've known for her like what? 4 days?

"Rebe-beccaaaa" I cried into the phone

She sighed "What's wrong now?" Yeaah, this is why I like her. She's straight-forward and no sugar-coating

"Wow, thanks for the support" I spat

Rebecca snickered and said "I'm sorry, now spill." so I did

[[Short Chapter I know. this is more of a filler than the actual story sooo]]

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