Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up tired as fuck. I slept really late last night due to staying up all night thinking about him you-know-who. Yes, I forbid myself from ever saying his name ever again. Whether you think I'm over-reacting or not, I don't care.

I picked up my phone from my night stand to see a text from Chrissy. "Dnt w8 4 me." Great, that's one less person to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I love Chrissy but I sincerely hate everyone before I get my morning coffee. I mustered up enough will to the hardest task of the day, getting up, I hopped into the shower to get ready.

After doing what's need to be done, I set out to go to school. This time taking the bus, after I found a somewhat decent place to sit I plugged in my earphones Completely ignoring the person beside me until he tapped my shoulders. What is it with people tapping my shoulder while I listen to music?

"You go to Goverek?" he asked. It's not as if I was wearing the damn Academy's uniform

"No shit,Sherlock" I spat out

"My name's not Sherlock. It's Gavin" Oh, so he's Gavin. He does look a bit like my cousin in the Asylum

"Okay. Good to know" I said as I put my plugs back in

Hey don't blame for being a total bitch today, We ran out of coffee.

After what seemed like centuries, we finally reached the Academy and I merrily skipped out of the bus, earning me a lot of odd stares from other students. Just as I was about to reach my locker, walking this time, I bumped into another girl. I've got to admit, a pretty one at that.

"I-I'm sorry" I managed to croak out while rubbing my sore ass

"Fine,alright" she replied

I glanced up at her and introduced myself "My name's Lillian. Yours?" I offered my hand to her. Way to go Captain Awkward.

Normal would look at me like weirdly but she just smiled at me and said "Lawson. Jane Lawson"

I lightly chuckled at the way she said it, it reminded me of James Bond. "Double 07" I whispered under my breath

She chuckled to my surprise. "Finally, someone who gets. I've been saying my name that way since I was 11 and you're the first ever person to get the reference"

We're going to be great friends, I can tell. "So what year are you in?" I asked

"Year 8. You?"

"Same! What class are you in?"

"Class 8-A. I think we're in the same class"

"You're right" I beamed at her

We went to class together. As we entered our first class we were met with chaos Flying books and the equivalent of a banshee scream type of noise.

"Uh. What the fuck?" I whispered to Jane

She looked at me and shrugged "Beats me, I think it's normal here" and went off to find a seat. I followed her, not wanting to look like an idiot

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