Chapter 4

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This is too awkward for me. Lord help me, I was seated in front of them. Mind you, I don’t really mind being with the two of them but I can’t stand the fact that they’re ignoring me and shamelessly flirting in front me.

  A voice came from behind me and said “ Hey I have-“ oh no no no no, Please not him. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping he was a figment of my imagination and would disappear into nothingness then I felt something cold on the tip of my nose

“Do you want this or not?” I opened my eyes to see an irritated Jeffrey holding a can of coke. I grabbed it and let out a meek thank you and sipped on it.

Chrissy glared at me. Not sure why, then she turned back to Jarred and started ignoring me and Jeffrey. I glanced at him and he seemed busy with his phone. Well, there goes my chances of striking up a conversation. I plugged in my earphones and started drowning everything out, at least All Time Low is there when I need them.

Completely zoning out on everything until I felt someone tap my shoulders; it was Jeffrey

“What do you want?” I barked out

“I can hear your music” he said.

“So can I” You don’t know how many times I have been told that. It’s starting to get on my nerves, also High-five to myself for that great comeback.

“That isn’t good for your ears you know” he muttered while texting. Rude much

“I know and I don’t care” I muttered back.

Jeffrey side-glanced  me and chuckled. “Well guys, I have to go” he announced while stretching

“Wait, where you going?” Jarred asked. I narrowed my eyes at his hand on Chrissy’s shoulders. Oh, she’s liking it, the evident blush on her cheeks gives it all away.

“Gavin’s house. You up for it?”  Gavin?  Isn’t that the name of my cousin in the mental hospital?

“No thanks, man” Jarred shrugged. Uh oh, Is he going to leave me with these two again? Hell no

“I think I’m going to tootle off too” I stood up and slung my backpack on my shoulder

“Awww, it’s a little too early “ Chrissy whined, giving me her infamous puppy dog face. Thank god,I’m immune

“I have to go to the market. Maybe some other time,yeah?” I reasoned out and gave them a smile

“Go with me then. I’m going to pass through the market anyway” Jeffrey surprisingly offered. I was tempted to decline

“Sure….”  I said, giving him the blankest look I can muster

“So we’re off” he announced to the couple in front of us and slung an arm on my shoulders. Which resulted in me chanting why in my head until we reached the market

“So what will you buy anyway?” he asked. Uh oh

“Uh, to be honest. Nothing. I just wanted to escape those two” I confessed, chuckling nervously

He looked at me weirdly then cracked a smile and goddamit he has the most cutest smile “You too?” we both laughed at that.

“I have to go now though” I said gloomily. “I have to catch the last bus”

He grimaced “I can walk you there” he offered.

“It’s a 30 minute walk, besides it’s 5:20” I shrugged. In reality though, I wanted him to come with me

He just looked  at me and said “If you say so” then walked off

 “What? No goodbye?” I whispered under my breath and ran off to catch the bus

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