It's Just High School

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I like to think that high school wouldn't get any worse for me. I already am used to the usual shove, the casual mock, the classic trip in the corridor and locker surprise. It is normal, and it was every bit more likable than how my life really is. But when I accidentally bumped and splashed the football star's drink, there wasn't a place on earth that couldn't be my graveyard. And to top it off, it was the day I chose not to bring food. I'll be an easy pick in the cafeteria.

"Samantha Rain Castillo!" His voice booming over the noisy crowd, which made every one tense up and shut up.

He scanned the room, searching for me, taking every bit of detail into mind to make sure he finds me. When his eyes landed on me, I knew I wasn't just gone, thirty kilometers of what was near me is gone as well.

"You're mine!" his voice echoing in my mind repeatedly, making my doom even more real to me.

As if he couldn't make it any worse, he stood up from his seat, and walked slowly, every muscle in his body tensing as he got nearer and nearer, showing how much of an alpha he is in this school, or in this state. He is death personified. And he had his eyes on me. I would have ran or had hidden from him, but what use would that serve me? I would never outrun him, and even in the slightest bit that I do get away from him, eventually, he will find me. As he approaches, I can see how strong his aura is. It was keeping me from using my instincts to respond, effectively nailing me to where I am.

When he had finally stopped walking, he was already three inches away from me, entirely shadowing my body with his towering stance. He then reached out his hand on my jaw, and turned my head as he leaned on me forcing me to face him eye to eye. I was expecting him to give me an idea what monstrosity he was about to unleash on me, but as his face grew nearer and nearer, he did what I could not have thought about he would do in a million years.

His lips landed on mine, planting a very delicate kiss that any girl my age or not would have wanted from a guy.

My thoughts were all scrambled up that it perhaps affected that part of the brain that controls breathing, making the heart pump and making everything in you balanced.

The last thing I remembered, were a couple of arms in my back, and the darkness that ate my world.

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