Chapter 9

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After taking a moment to calm down I realized I'd missed something an important detail. Who the Heaven was Orion!!!!!!!! More importantly is it possible........... could he maybe just maybe......... be a gnome!!! It was a pipe dream, but hey you can't blame me can you?

"Who is Orion?" I asked Trey curiously.

"No idea." He responded clearly as surprised by the announcements as I had been. For some reason........ I had a very bad feeling about all this.

"I'm Orion!" A voice suddenly called out. I looked for it, but couldn't find anyone. For some reason this felt uncomfortably familiar......

"Did you hear that?" I turned to ask Trey.

"Hear what?" He answered confused.

"He can't hear or see me." Orion said.

"I can't see you either........" I responded annoyed.

"Sure you can. I'm -,"

"Don't you dare say it!" I interrupted suddenly far too aware of what was happening.

"That's right!!!!!!!!!!! Your second head!!" Orion continued clearly pleased with himself, "Miss me?"

"I can't say I have....... It's only been like two days. Don't you know distance makes the heart grow fonder?!?! If adoration is what you're after try staying away for a few hundred thousand years. Besides aren't you tired of this whole second head thing?"

"Kind of, but thinking of a more dramatic entrance is a bit of a pain." Orion said with a yawn.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. Suddenly there was a weird sensation coming from my neck and it felt like there was something sitting on my shoulder. There was a blur at the edge of my vision and suddenly there was a rabbit standing in front of me.

"I was bored." The rabbit answered as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't you have any friends you can bother or something?"

"If I had friends do you think I'd be playing around with skeletons." He responded annoyed.

Oliver sighed, "Well why you're hear would you mind answering some questions. What did you mean when you said my powers were sealed? Also...... I probably shouldn't ask but why are you a rabbit and how did you get into this school? Finally, is there more magic you can give me"

"Did I say something like that? I can't remember. Getting into this school is a piece of cake for someone like me. Why wouldn't I be a rabbit? Doesn't it make everything that much more exciting!!! Just think about what it would look like if a rabbit took over the world. If you want magic you came to the right place, I have the perfect spell for you!"

A voice suddenly rang in my head. "Feeble creature!!!!! Do you dare learn one of the most powerful magic arts of all time?!?!" Yes!!!!!!! Just you wait world........ I'll show you that I can make it!!! Even without gnomes. The spell's basic information appeared in my mind:

Transcendent Magic- Destruction

Description- Well........ it destroys things........ basically anything you want it to

Requirements- The user must feed dragon blood to a rabbit.

I stared at Orion for a second. Really? Does he just want to eat dragons blood?!?! But.......... dragons are extinct..........

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