The pen is Mightier than the Sword Chpt 2

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Chapter 2 (Short Chapter)

Well, I'm sick of talking about how horrible my life is, so let's just say that this cycle continued for the first year of high school, and I managed to find excuses during the weekly tournaments, so they aren't an issue.

During my second year of high school things changed. One day during the middle of weapons class, the principal came out of his office and approached our class. He looked extremely annoyed. I remember thinking that if there was going to be bloodshed (probably my blood). The principal began yelling at our class and teacher, saying that we were being loud and had the nerve to ask us why we were always outside and never studied in the school building (all while juggling).

If you hadn't realized this, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. It appears that the "principal" was actually a janitor and that the school actually did have a building. But somehow, none of the teachers or students had known anything about it. The school building was actually underground.

The next day, the janitor took us to the actual school building and everyone finally learned what the school's campus looked like (How could teachers not have known this?). Apparently there was a slab on the floor next to the janitor's office that opened into a staircase leading to the school. The staircase led to a narrow pathway that was lit by candles and the pathway was made completely of black marble. The pathway opened into a circular room that was completely scarlet and had five other pathways connected to it. One of these alternate pathways was completely white and led to the real principal's office. Another was green and led to an underground garden full of carnivorous plants (It seems the plants were attracted to Charlie, maybe there was a use for him after all). Two of the pathways led to more circular rooms and both of these rooms led to 5 gigantic classrooms. One of these paths was blue and the second was purple. The final pathway was brown and led to a closed gate.

Upon arriving to the scarlet corridor, we made our way to the principal's office to thoroughly question the real principal on what was going on. The real principal turned out to be an extremely scary apocalyptic demon, the second we laid eyes on him we decided to leave him alone and return to class in actual classrooms. Even the teachers seemed to cower in fear of the real principal. (Suddenly I wished the janitor really was the principal)

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