The pen is Mightier than the Sword Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I ran into downtown Nae (The city I live in within Hell) and looked for somewhere I could stay for a few days. I vaguely remembered that there were three different hotels in downtown, but I didn't have enough money to stay at either one of these resorts. I had no idea what to do or where to go, so I made my way to the central plaza. The central plaza was actually a large park, and at the center of this plaza stood a fountain of blood. As you could no doubt imagine, it was a popular hangout for vampires.

There was a crowd gathering near the fountain and since I had nothing better to do, I made my way to the end of the crowd and tried to figure out what was attracting so much attention. Apparently, there was a circus advertising in the central plaza, and one of the performers, a vampire, was amusing passersby with magic tricks. Although I didn't understand what was so great about watching magic being used in a place where everyone could use magic, I watched in order to alleviate my sadness. But unfortunately, all it managed to do was make me nervous.

As I watched the show I kept imagining myself in a cage, being watched by hundreds of demons. There were mobs gathered around my cage, trying to get closer to the freak of nature that couldn't even use the weakest forms of magic. Soon, I couldn't stand my own frustration and tried to escape from the middle of the crowd. Most of the demons in my way moved aside, assuming I was a powerful humanoid demon, but the vampire performing magic tricks wouldn't let me get away that easily. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "It seems that one kind patron would like to disappear, so let us help him." At his command, the crowd pushed against me and I soon found myself standing next to the magician.

"Abra Kadabra," yelled the magician. To my horror, I found myself buried in a coffin with a rotting skeleton on top of me.

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