Monster Like Me

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((Here you go, I think you guys deserve a fairly long chapter :) Enjoy! ))

Two days pass fairly quickly, Mark stays in the small cell, getting at least two meals a day. The meat had stopped bothering him, he simply ate what he was given. The meat had tasted different a few times, and a part of him wondered if it wasn't deer like he was told. However, strangely enough, Mark didn't care.

As the days passed however things did manage to get worse. Each time the red haired man's teeth sharpened it sent a sharp pain throughout his jaw. He began to get more and more nauseous as the door opened and let the light in. His head constantly pounded, hardly letting him get any sleep, and his body ached.

Of course he kept it to himself, each time Jack entered and asked how he was doing, he simply shrugged his shoulders. Mark wasn't sure why he lied, but he did.

Today was like any other, at around what Mark had figured was noon, the green haired man entered, with the same tray, same food, same caring blue eyes that studied the caged man, like he was a science experiment that could go wrong any second.

"How are you feeling?"

The Irish man questions softly, unlocking the door once more and sliding the tray in. He'd grown more careless with the door, realizing Mark didn't plan to make a run for it. Of course the red haired man still thought about it, but with the pain he felt at the moment, it would be stupid to try.


He responds simply, keeping his brown eyes away. Mark looks at the food for merely a moment before forcing his gaze away, the thought of eating twisted his gut, though he didn't know why. He'd felt even worse today than the day before.

"No you're not... what's wrong?"

Jack questions, pulling up a small wooden chair and sitting outside of the bars, looking in worriedly. Mark sighs, opening his mouth to respond with the words 'I'm fine', but a groan escapes instead as he feels a sharp pain in his shoulder.

He clenches his eyes shut, and grinds his teeth as a small pop sounds from his shoulder blade, it moved underneath his skin slightly, readjusting before returning to its normal position once again with quite a struggle.

Once Mark opens his eyes once again, he sees Jack looking at him with pure worry, and according to his blue eyes this wasn't normal.

"Hang on... I'm going to go get Robin..."

Jack speaks softly, his blue eyes never leaving the red haired man as he walked out of the door. Not five minutes later he returns, the brown haired man behind him, who looked at him with nearly equal amounts of worry.

"Hello again Mark... Sean tells me you're not feeling well... What's the matter?"

Robin asks simply, taking the key from Jack and opening the cell once again. The brown haired man steps into the small enclosure, stepping over the untouched tray of food and closing the metal door behind him.

"I'm Fi-"

"The truth, Mark."

The man interrupts, eyes scanning the red haired man skeptically. Mark lowers his gaze, silently ignoring the feeling of two sets of eyes on him, watching him as though he could explode any second.

"I'm just feeling a little sick... Nauseous, headache... normal stuff."

The red haired man explains quietly, cringing back slightly when Robin's hand reaches up, pressing against his temple gently, as though feeling for any type of fever.

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