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((Hey guys, sorry it took so long, I wasn't sure how I wanted to write this chapter. I'm still not sure I like how it turned out, but oh well, it'll do. And I just realized this is like my second story where Felix (Pewdiepie) is a bad guy of sorts. It makes it seem like I have something against him... I don't I swear, I respect Felix and love his content, idk why I keep making him evil ))

The car screeches to a halt in front of the old factory. It had burned down less than a month ago, and no one visited it, not anymore. Rain fell steadily, hitting the metal exterior of the car gently and sliding to the wet ground.

The car's door opens, and a well-sculpted man with dyed red hair steps out, a gun in his hand which he cocks as soon as he's out. His brown eyes studied the building as he walked toward it, arms swinging at his sides lazily, though his stance was firm, determination radiating from him.

He ignored the rain as it matted his dyed red hair to his head, simply making his way to the building and walking inside, brown eyes scanning, finger grazing the trigger of his gun gently, strangely eager to shoot.

His footsteps make no noise in the building as the door squeaks closed behind him. Everything that had once been in the factory, was either removed, or burned. A slight smell of ash still remained, making Mark's eyes water ever so slightly.

Before he can react a hand grabs his arm, the one holding the gun, and twists it behind his back at a painful angle. He groans in pain as his hand is forced to drop the gun which landed roughly on the ground. Mark is soon pushed against one of the walls, his body pinned against the brick, and the cold barrel of a gun pressed against the bottom of his chin.

His brown eyes meet a pair of light blue ones, and a smug grin.

"Hey there Markimoo, long time no see."

The Swede speaks quietly, almost a laugh to his voice. Mark glares at him though doesn't make a move, with the gun pressed against the bottom of his head, he couldn't do much

"Where's Sean...?"

Mark simply asks, brown eyes boring into the blonde. Felix makes a slight 'tsk' sound with his tongue and feigns a small pout.

"He can't talk... He's a little tied up at the moment."

Felix responds, chuckling quietly at his own joke. Mark's brown eyes move over to his gun which now laid on the other side of the room, far from his reach.

"You know Mark... I expected more from you... I mean really? Him? He's a monster."

Felix speaks again, moving Mark's eyes back to him, his voice holding almost a disappointed tone to it.

"He's our friend..."

The red haired man retorts, glaring at the Swede furiously. Felix sighs and shakes his head, the gun's barrel pressing more roughly against Mark's skin.

"I thought that too Mark... but he's a beast, he kills people. Hell, we were probably going to be his next victims if I hadn't taken hold of the situation... You're welcome by the way."

Felix responds with a shrug, his smile growing considerably.

"He won't hurt us... He couldn't."

Mark responds quietly. Felix looks at him, disappointment shining in his light blue eyes.

"Are you willing to bet your life on that?"

The swede asks softly, blue eyes staring into Mark's inquisitively. The red haired man narrows his eyes at the blonde man, but simply nods, he trusted that Jack could control it. With that small response Felix sighs, though his smile never left.

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