viii| Accidents and Paralysis {revised}

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I start to choke when I try to breathe and my hands find a tube protruding from my mouth and connecting to a machine. I hear people yell and a woman walks into the room and tells me to calm down. To breathe through my nose. 

I listen.

She slowly starts to take the tube out, but I gag and she has to pause numerous times. When the tube is finally out she checks me over and tells me she'll be right back. I hope so because right now Lorenzo, Red, Blake, Brandon and Tyler are all staring at me. 

"I'm so glad you're okay! I know you were just angry when you shot me. As soon as you are released we can get married and you'll never get hurt again."

I stare blankly at Tyler and he stares back before becoming uncomfortable and looking away. Brandon is about to come up to me, but Lorenzo grabs him by his shoulder and repeatedly punches him. Lorenzo yells in protest as Red takes Brandon and Tyler and throws them out of the room. 

"If I ever see you again I will shoot you!" Lorenzo yells at a dazed Brandon. 

"Lon... are you okay?" Red looks at me and then at Blake holding my hand.

I look at Red, trying to convey how much I want him to hold me and love me... but instead I say five words that cause panic.

"I can't feel my legs."

Blake's hand goes limp, Red's eyes widen in shock and Lorenzo sprints out, yelling for a doctor.

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