vi| Browsing and Brandon {revised}

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I walk down the sidewalk with a strut in my step. Why you might ask? I've watched all my favorite movies, read all my favorite books and just lifted and returned three wallets without the owners noticing. Oh, and also with the fact that I've got 678 dollars today.

Now, you may be wondering. Girl what the heck, you just shot two people, one twice, were in the middle of mafia headquarters and surrounded by people that wouldn't care if I died or wanted to kill me. 


That all happened about two weeks ago. Tyler has been looking for me on a rampage since I shot him and Brandon's gang has been unusually chill. You could say I'm enjoying this break.

I go into the book store and just browse. Seeing old favorites and new friends.

A few hours later.

I lug my pile of books and the cashier lady lifts an eyebrow, but smiles nonetheless. 

"It's good to see that young people still read."

I look up.

"Oh, no. I'm the only one."

She laughs, "The Flash?"

I smile and nod. I wave a goodbye to her as I leave the store and enjoy the sun on my face as I walk down the sidewalk.


I sigh when I see a black van. I hold my books tighter to my body and start to walk faster, but confusion quickly comes across me in waves when the van continues to drive down the road. I scrunch my face up when a second van comes into view, but then I quickly realize what they're doing. 

The second van speeds up as I break out into a run and when I turn the corner the other van is waiting there. I groan and yell.



I groan again when I hear Brandon's annoying voice. I speed up when I near the van that is stopped and I jump up onto the hood and slide off while panting... it's been awhile since I've been on the run. I hear footsteps following me, which means they're driving and running after me.

I turn a sharp corner and start to climb the fire escape with a burning in my chest. I let out a yelp when someone grabs my foot and starts to drag me down. I hit my head and quickly latch onto part of the fire escape. I shake my leg and reach for me knife. I focus on the hand holding me and I throw it. Once I am released I scamper to a landing. I text the only person I love and trust

L- Help. Fire Escape. Bookstore. Brandon.

R- Be there soon. Hang on.

"London, get down here!"

I look over the railing to see him twiddling with a gun.


He groans and I hear rustling. 

"Get down here or I kill Blake."

I spring up in surprise and I feel something pierce my thigh. 

A tranquilizer.

I stumble a bit and rip it out of my thigh, but it's too late. I feel muffled shouting and then I feel the wind on the face, concrete on my back and the only thing I can think of... is where I left my books. 

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