v| Busted, Broken and Bloodied

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I sit at my station and feel a little antsy with so many people in the room. I abruptly stand up, causing some guy who was watching me to fall off his chair in surprise, and I head to the locker room.

I quickly change into my workout clothes and I tape my knuckles. Heading out into the gym I get a few nods of recognition and I head over to a punching bag. I start off easily but soon their voices fill my head and I start hitting harder.

You thought you could leave just like that?

Did you know it's possible to die from pain?

Don't you want to see your brother?

See you in hell... oh wait, you're already there.

Your brothers dead.

Sit still. Smile. Train.

When I feel a hand on my shoulder I quickly snap out of my trance and almost get whiplash to look at the person touching me. I look at Red but don't meet his eyes. I see everyone in the room looking behind me or at my hands. I glance down to see my knuckles bleeding and torn. The bag is in the same situation, but instead of spilling blood, grains. I violently push past Red who is still looking at me with sad eyes and start to pack my bag. I head to the grimy bathroom and take a quick shower while hoping to erase those last minutes.

I grab a gun off a table and head for the staircase, but two overprotective giants block my path.

"Where do you think you are going young lady?" Lorenzo looks worn out and angry.

"I need to take care of something."

"You are not leaving London." Red says, his now stern and worried eyes boring into me and practically looking into my soul.

"Please don't make me do this..." I whisper to them, my voice finally breaking.

They both make no motion to move and I raise my gun. I feel others pointing theirs at me and my hold wavers. Red looks at me with hurt and I flinch at what he must be thinking. I look into his eyes and shoot. He flinches and Lorenzo looks shocked. Red examines his body but stops when the sprinklers turn on and he looks to where I shot the water system. I slip past them and scale the stairs, ringing my hair out. I slip the gun into the waistband of my pants and burst out onto the street, where it actually is raining.

I hear commotion behind me and I duck into an alley behind a trash bin. I look over it, only to see it's already occupied. I motion for Lorenzo and Red to shut up before focusing on the people in front of me.

"So we all know that she's at Lorenzo's. I'll attack from the front with a few guys while the rest go in the back. We'll grab her, she'll hack what I need her to hack and Tyler can have her when we're done."

Brandon looks bored just talking about the subject.

"Maybe we-"

Blake is interrupted when Brandon punches him in his already bruised face.

"Shut. Up."

"Brandon... I'm very tempted to just take her."

I hear Tyler's voice and I freeze up... HOLD A HOT POTATO! THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT ME LIKE AN OBJECT!

I storm out of my hiding spot angrily... not my best decision. Tyler whips around and looks shocked.


I cut him off, "Shut it! The only thing I want to know is where to shoot you and Brandon and why Blake's face looks like a bruised peach!"

Tyler and Brandon look at each other before Tyler steps forward.

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