iii| Old Friends and Making Amends

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After three days of resting and trying to avoid Brandon like the plague... I'm back to the good ol' London. When everything went down I was already upset because one of my oldest friends, Red, went undercover and I didn't get to say goodbye.


I walk down the hallways that I've grown accustomed to and start collecting all of my things. I know that Blake is soon going to grow tired of me... which will be sad because he's actually a nice guy. I sigh while opening the front door while charming and fake smiling my way to the busy street. I walk down the sidewalk and when I turn the street corner I start to run because my life depends on it.


I stop running after about twenty minutes.

"I need to do some more cardio"

I wheeze out of breath.

"Well you won't be able to run whenever your with me."

My head snaps up to meet cold eyes.

"Fancy seeing you here Tyler! It's like the abused and abuser reunion!"

Some guys in Tyler's gang shift uncomfortably.

"Wow! You guys sure don't talk as much as you used to! I mean you had so many insults! Well, I've best be going... so see ya!"

Tyler takes a step forward.

"You aren't going anywhere sweetheart... your dad found out about you breaking the deal... let's just say that everyone is pissed right now."

I grab a gun from my bag and whisper shout, "Parkour!"

Tyler looks angry when I start to run and shouts, "This isn't that episode from the office!"

I head to the corner of the alley and when I get there I jump up and crawl to the top and climb onto the fire escape. I get towards the top of the building and sprint towards the edge. I hear Tyler yelling, thinking that I don't have a plan, but I jump and soar through the air before landing in a full trash bin. I hastily climb out and turn the corner to see an angry looking Brandon and a relived Blake.

"I was going for a walk and Tyler cornered me!"

Brandon's expressions turns darker if that's possible and Blake rushes towards me and I whisper into his ear.

"Run before you get shot."

He looks at me weirdly before being called over by Brandon.

Brandon and Tyler are fighting and everyone else looks preoccupied, so I slowly walk backwards and then run and head towards Lorenzo's territory. I hear both of them running after me and when I finally make it to the shop all the guys stiffen up.

I hear laughter behind me and then someone throwing their arms over my shoulders.

"London! Dear, I've missed you figlia!"

I smile.

"Hi father!"

Everyone stiffens but Tyler looks unamoosed(SPN). I giggle and hug Lorenzo.

"Loren, I missed you too!!"

"Are these men bothering you?"

Brandon stiffens.

"Well.... Tyler is still chasing me because of the deal and Brandon is being mean and grumpy. But Blake is great so Brandon can live."

Brandon looks at me and then Blake in surprise before going stoic again.

"Oh and can I stay here for awhile?"

"Of course!"

Before I head downstairs I go up to each man, and slap them. Hard.

Except Blake.

I kissed his cheek.

He, of course blushed. He's so precious... sort of like Castiel.

I head downstairs and leaving my problems for awhile.


Three days later and I'm back to the good old London. I walk towards the corner where I put all my stuff and plop down. These past few days here have been nice but I know when the time comes that I'll be used for a job and then killed. No loose ends. It's how people live in my world, so I'm running today. All my stuff is set up and all I have to do is go out the front door. I grab all my stuff and sling my bag over my shoulder. I stand up and walk out the front door, the 'security' man just nods at me and I smile broadly, when he looks away my eyes go wide, that was easy. I walk down the corner and when I turn it I break out into a run. After ten minutes I take a breather in an alley, hearing shouts I pull out my knife. A guy rounds the corner, Tyler's gang. "Oh heyyyy, how are are ya today?" I say in a bubbly voice he just looks at me, eyes filled with regret but on his lips there's a smirk, he whispers, "Listen, I don't want to do this... there are more guys including Tyler watching and I can't get killed." I laugh, "I don't want to do this either." 

With that I run at him and slice his palm. He cradles it and I kick him to the ground, "Stay down!" I run towards the exit but then see Tyler and his WHOLE gang there. "Hey! Fancy seeing you here! It's like the abusers and the abused reunion!" Some of them shift uncomfortably, "Well, you guys don't talk as much as you used to... I mean you had a lot of insults to say about me! Any who I've got to go!" Tyler steps forward, "You aren't going anywhere sweetheart." I laugh, put my knife back, grab my gun and whisper loud enough so that they can hear, "Parkour!" That's when I turn and run towards the wall, I make a turn and my feet are in the corner, I jump until I reach the top and run towards a fire escape, I climb onto it and smirk down at them. I climb towards the top of the building. Then I run towards the edge, I can hear their yells of protest, thinking I'm going to die. I jump and soar through the air. Soon landing in an opened and cushioned trash bin. I climb out and run towards anywhere. That's when I see Brandon's group, I yell out, "I was going for a walk and then they tried to attack me again!" Perfect, now they'll all fight each other and I can slip away. 

Both gangs face each other and I slowly back away, then break out into a sprint while they are yelling at each other. I hear yells behind me and both of them after me. I sigh and will myself to run faster, soon enough I run into another mafia's territory, Lorenzo's. Both gangs stop abruptly when they realize who's shop this is, I back into it more, bumping into someone. I look up and see Lorenzo himself. "Hey father!" I yell, playing a game with the guys... he really is like a father to me though. "Hey sweetie! Are these men bothering you, we can easily get rid of them right now." I tap my chin and answer, "Well one of them, Tyler's... you know Tyler. His gang is mostly rude. And Brandon's his was nice, although they did kidnap me..." I trail off leaving fear on everyones face, "But not right now. I mean you could beat up Tyler but Brandon can go. Oh! But Brandon wants me for a job and he will most likely kill me after. So I'm just going to stay here for a while!" His face lights up, "Of course! Of course! Everyone will be so happy to see you!" I smile and look towards Tyler and his gang, they are all being held back by men. "Okayyyyyyy! Brandon! If you let me do the job here that'd be great, but in a little. You guys can go, only because of Blake though, he's funny. And Tyler. Well, I think we got to do something with you!" With that I skip up to him and lean in to kiss him, everyone looks shocked. Before our lips meet, I move my head and slap him. Then I kick his stomach. He cringes. I smile. I motion for his gang to line up, then tell which ones should not get hurt and which ones should. I walk with Lorenzo downstairs.

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